Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Library Search Gadgets: into the user's "desktop"

Besides the Library Toolbar there are more little (or bigger) search gadgets possible. I am just trying to collect the ideas and could need some help! Please do not hesitate to contribute to this blog! The overview on http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Web_Browser_Extensions gives a overview of possible browser extensions but there is more. Here are a few nice gadgets I think are worth mentioning:
  1. a Library Search Widget (http://scilib.typepad.com/science_library_pad/2005/08/cisti_ becomes_k.html (I just recently walked into the widget because the famous Rijksmuseum Amsterdam created a widget with different famous pictures appearing everyday on your desktop.)
  2. Microsoft Library Research Pane : http://catalogablog. blogspot.com/2005/11/ms-office-2003-research-pane_15.html(http://www.ovid.com/site/about/press_release20030821.jsp? top=42&mid=52)
  3. The Desktop SideBar : http://scilib.typepad.com/science_ library_pad/2005/08/ google_sidebar_.html
I think they should be entered into the wiki as possible gadgets to improve library services, but i am not sure IF the are indeed already used/developed by libraries and would like to know more about them!

1 comment:

rakerman said...

Hi. It's great to see some interest in this area. I just made the skeleton of a page:


I look forward to many additions. Please contribute!