Thursday, January 15, 2009

Public Poken Place at Central Medical Library, UMCG

A small new project has just been created in relation to the new Poken gadget. The Poken gadget works in a simular way as RFID, but different ;-)
The Central Medical Library, UMCG will perform a small research into new ways of exchanging information with library users.
The question we are asking ourselves is: How can we make library users more aware of our services, products, ánd our web-presence in the social web?
And can we -instead of giving them business cards to take-away- find another way to pass that info on to them?

With a special Library Poken placed at a central meeting place in the library, users can connect with that CMB Library Poken.
They will take with them our details of the Facebook, Hyves, Twitter & Linkedin Library presence for now, but more will follow. (Youtube, Delicious, MSN, MySpace,, ... you name it)
The Library will get info about the users use of social networks. At the moment, both parties that have "poked" still have the option to accept or deny new Friends. Pokens will be for sale at the library?

More about Poken at:


kattebelletje said...

Great idea, as soon as our pokens arrive, we will put one on the reference desk of the library!

NicoleGiling said...

Ja, goed idee, maar ik twijfel over een algemeen bibliotheekprofiel of op naam, wat denk jij?

iemand moet het namelijk wel bij gaan houden, al die nieuwe contacten. Dan kun je toch beter op interesse/doelgroep groeperen. ik stel me zo voor dat je subgroepjes krijgt zoals op Hyves ook gebeurt.

In Zwolle starten we dus met een specifieke groep gebruikers

oja, linkje terug:

Bryan Guido Hassin said...
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