Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Free Web-based Visual Medical Dictionary : www.curehunter.com

I found this interesting free resource via my visitor statistics;-) Always nice to see who visited you and where they came from.
http://creakysites.wordpress.com/ was mentioned in my stats, a cool blog from and about EBM and Clinical Support Librarians@UCHC : "A blog for UCHC graduate students, faculty and librarians about their use of clinical literature, Web 2.0, sources, strategies".
To my surprise Kathleen Crea mentioned my blog in a recent post (thank you very much!), and while scanning the About text I found a response mentioning this :
a web-based medical dictionary visualization tool hosted for free : Visual Medical Dictionary http://www.curehunter.com/public/dictionary.do "It goes beyond regular dictionaries by displaying an ontology context tree (MeSH based) and interactive network graph of related drugs, diseases and therapies.

For example: a search for “obesity” will show a strong relationship with “Insulin” and “Exercise” among other drugs and therapies."

First look is certainly promising. I have to check out what they use and what they are trying to sell.... ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, Guus. You are too kind!