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Showing posts from March, 2005


Studies have begun to show that open access increases impact, although more studies and more substantial investigations are needed to confirm the effect. Also nice to read is the article of Oliver Obst on impact factors of Open Access Journals:

Expanding the amount of computers in the library

Although the project is taking way too long, we still think the the students -for they are the main physical visitors- will benefit from the 28 extra computers that will be placed in our library. 23 will be on the faculty-network of the former FMW, and 5 will be abled to logon to the UMCG-network. After this -i think- we will not place more workstations but change to a wireless network. This will make it possible for laptop-users -or possible even pda-users- to login to the network and use our resources.

Are your users NOT using your links to the resources : let your firewall do the trick

As a medical library of a large academic hospital we want our users to go to our resources the right way. We have created an outside tool in PUBMED which enables everybody to see clearly what the availablility of the publications is. For it to work, you need to use the correct link with reference to the accountname belonging to this outside tool. This is nothing new, it is used by many libraries in the world. The problem is that many of our users do NOT use the link to PUBMED form our website but just enter of in the browser-location bar and therefore do NOT get our RUGLINKS Possible solution: If your organization uses some kind of firewall, you can ask the it-department to change the setting of the firewall in such a way that all outgoing url's to PUBMED are redirected to your correct library-url to PUBMED. and ? to