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Showing posts from October, 2005

Bloglines - Architecture for Knowledge-Based and Federated Search of Online Clinical Evidence

Have to read this more carefull later! Journal of Medical Internet Research Journal of Medical Internet Research - International Scientific Journal for Medical Research, Information and Communication on the Internet Architecture for Knowledge-Based and Federated Search of Online Clinical Evidence By (Enrico Coiera) Background It is increasingly difficult for clinicians to keep up-to-date with the rapidly growing biomedical literature. Online evidence retrieval methods are now seen as a core tool to support evidence-based health practice. However, standard search engine technology is not designed to manage the many different types of evidence sources that are available or to handle the very different information needs of various clinical groups, who often work in widely different settings. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this paper are (1) to describe the design considerations and system architecture of a wrapper-mediator approach to federate search system design, i...

Search PubMed/MEDLINE via PICO

A PICO search in PubMed would be very nice and something extra to the Clinical Queries, but currently it is only possible via PDA's. You can play the search on a normal computer as well, but there are a few disadvantages: The form of the PICO search is limited. No refine, limitations or anything Fulltext links only directly to the wellknown publishers who make their logo's visible in PUBMED. I have not yet found possiblity for Outside Tools integration, such as SFX library icons any form of citation management is missing But for instructional/educational purposes it could be very usefull!

The Desktop Sidebar?

While the Library is just starting with offering a QuickSearch CMB Toolbar to the users, there is a new gadget that could be usefull in bringing the content to the users. A fully adjustable desktopsidebar. "Desktop Sidebar provides you with instant access to the information you most desire by grabbing data from your PC and the internet. The result is a dynamic visual display you configure and control. How can you make this possible? Choose from among a wide selection of information conduits (e.g. MS Outlook, toolbars, newsfeeds), called "panels". Fully customizable, Desktop Sidebar allows you to dock these panels to the edge of the screen, or arrange them anywhere on your desktop as you wish. All panels are configurable with a number of specific options" posted by Marcus 4:10 AM

Online Research tools :a white paper link compilation

Marcus P. Zillman mentioned a new white paper link compilation of Online research Tools in his Blog at . The white paper is long, but very usefull. A great overview of search possiblities, software tools etc. It is constantly updated and once in a while a new white paper is made. Zillman has more white papers to share at : Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources - An Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation [Updated 06-04-05 34 Pages] Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators - White Paper Link Compilation [Updated 05-29-05 22 Pages] Business Intelligence Online Resources - An Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation [Released 04-26-05 23 Pages] Current Awareness Discovery Tools o...

ProQuest leading the RSS front for Academic Libraries?

GET YOUR CONTENT AND SERVICES OUT THERE! It looks like everybody is shouting this! ( Gordon Ramsey, oh, no sorry Lorcan Dempsey OCLC PICA at LIBER 2005. Or is it just the case of what you want to hear, you will hear ... According to the Shifted Librarian (Jenny Levine) ProQuest is showing "visionary leadership" in the field of RSS for libraries. They are planning to launch dynamic keyword RSS-feeds. Jenny gave a few presentations about the subject. You can view the slides here (the large one!) or here (PDFs). ProQuest mentiones specific purpose in a academic setting, but it can easily be translated to other types of libraries. Please read the blog-item of Jenny yourself and tell me you do not get excited! Look at the presentations -they look great- and you must agree with me that "The Shifted Librarian"'s views are worth to be discussed in any library organisation, including a academical setting. Most of the time developments in Europe follow the US and t...

PUBMED & Outside Tool & RSS

Pubmed offers the possiblity to save searches as RSS-feed. This opens a lot of new chances for libraries and users to improve alerting services. Libraires working with the so-called OUTSIDE TOOL to make the library collection visible via for instance an SFX-button (Metalib) could point their users to the direction of this RSS-feed option, but ........ At this moment an integrated feed of PubMEd shows NO OUTSIDE tool within the short presentation of the feed WITHIN the FEEDREADER. I asked PubMEd to implement this and this is their answer: "I brought this to the development team meeting and basically it would involve changing Linkout programming and will not happen (at least not in the near future). Your best bet would be to maintain your Outside Tool capability so that your users can utilize that functionality. " So it will not be there in the near future, but perhaps if more people ask for the functionality .....?

Choose a RSS Reader for your users

After reviewing several free desktop rss-feed readers i decided to go for the RSSOWL reader for the users of the UMCG. Several weeks ago i asked the ICT departments to include a standard RSS reader in the user environment, their dektop, via the network. Because not everybody has the right to install this kind of programs, and because it will take some time before it will be standard included into the standard webbrowser or mailclient the Central Medical Library wants to offer this via the Novell Application Launcher or via the Windows XP ASD network. RSs Feeds have great potential for delivering news and content changes of webpages, such as weblogs without putting further strain to the mailbox of the users. RSSOWL received the qualification BEST "BUY" in the September issue of the computer magazine PCM.

OCLC Presentations & Publications

OCLC's Presentation/Publication Bank A handy collection of conference presentations and publications on library/information science subjects. For instance the presentation of : The Inside Out Library: Libraries in the Age of Amazoogle (4.8MB/45 slides) LIBER Pre-conference: Converging and Dissolving the University Library, 5 July 2005, University Library of Groningen (the Netherlands) Posted 3 days ago in The Centered Librarian 1 link Use the Here's more link

Create citation with linking to Library services

Imagine writing an article or a protocol with references to the literature you used/found or picture a newsarticle with information about new research-programs, ungoing or finished research and ask yourself if it would be nice to read more ..... what about a link to this extra services your library can offer? to be continued Verhagen, A A E, and P J JSauer. "End-of-life decisions in newborns: an approach from The Netherlands." Pediatrics 116.3 (2005):736-739.

How to start a WIKI?

Next to blogs WIKI's are the most popular thing right now. You can think of many uses within organisations. But how to start a wiki and choose the right wiki-software and functionalty? Here a quick overview of some usefull links: How_to_start_a_Wiki Gerry McKiernan announced the availability of his presentation to TICER 2005 in the Netherlands: Wikis: Disruptive Technologies for Dynamic Possibilities wiki farms (hosting wiki's) : wiki_software#Advice_on_choosing_a_Wiki how to start: How_to_start_a_Wiki More later!

How to use the Library toolbar?

While working on and with the CMB Library toolbar the question comes up on how far you should go with integrating resources into the Toolbar? Where do you stop? At the technical limitations (if any) or at a certain view of what people can expect at the toolbar and what they should do at your website perhaps? My idea for the Toolbar is : to translate our list of the most valuable resources, already visible on all our webpages on the righthandside. to make/create extra functionality our other programs do not offer bring to attention what the Library already does and can do for the users and in another form, more interactive, flexible, direct .. experiment with the Toolbar and hear from the users what they think of it that it is supplemental. The user chooses to use it. In practice ... The work on the proxy-links within the databases-urls works fine for the major part of our list. I'am having trouble with Web of Science and Webspirs databases. I do not know ...