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Showing posts from July, 2006

Summer Holidays!

Do not expect any posts before August 19th, because i am off for a holiday to Spain! Almost three weeks surrounded by the mountains of the Pyrenees, i am looking forward to it. First issue in August will be about the scientific program of the next Eahil Conference in Cluj , Rumania! Second one will be about the brand new Medical Building of the Second Life Medical Library 2.0! Third one, oh, we'll see about that later!

Listen to the website! Readspeaker on UMCG website

You can now listen to the Internet site of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) The UMCG is the second Dutch Hospital that offers this ReadSpeaker-software. The Utrecht UMC was the first in June 2006, but with a somewhat limited version of ReadSpeaker. The remarkable thing is that the texts are not previously recorded, but converted by the software and send back to the visitor as a sound file. It not just reads out the pages, but also downloaded pdfs, like patient brochures..

Elsevier's Scopus versus ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar

With a title like this I should attract a lot of hits -;) But to call me a Black Hat spammer right away, I don't think so. I believe this reseach deserves a lot of attention. I wonder if Jeroen Bosman will publish his report "Scopus doorgelicht en vergeleken : de dekking van de citatiedatabase Scopus inclusief vergelijkingen met Web of Science and Google Scholar" on this subject also in English. (He just confirmed to me he will, so be patient!) In the ongoing debate about the language of blogging/publication, I am convinced that in this case the language of publication is a negative impuls. Making it available in a open repository is on the other hand a very positive point. There is certainly international interest for this! In a free translation it would be: "Scopus examined and compared: the coverage of citationdatabase Scopus with Web of Science and Google Scholar ." There is also a powerpoint available. This presentation is also in Dutch, but will give you...