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Showing posts from August, 2006

Michael & Jenny

SA400448 Originally uploaded by testdriverone . To make a blog post from Blogger via Flickr without going into your own blogger web edit pages is really easy. After uploading a few pictures from the TICER courses of today a simple click opens up a box. Almost everything of today's talks are concentrated around "boxes". For Jenny this is the blog box, for Michael the IM text box and Paul Miller asks us to "think outside the box"... Tags: TICER2006

Back from Spain and on the road again to TICER

After a refreshing holiday in Spain I'll be off to the Ticer's Digital Libraries à la Carte: New Choices for the Future 2006. The 4 modules this year are: Technological developments: Threats and opportunities for libraries Hands-on: Library 2.0 technologies to reach out to the customer Libraries supporting research and Open Access Libraries and teaching and learning I am going to attend the first two and colleagues of me will visit the 3rd and 4th module. That way we have covered the complete programme! If any special will come up, I will post about it. I am looking forward in seeing Jenny Levine ( The Shifted Librarian ) again. She took Michael Stephens ( Tame The Web ) with her and I hope to have the opportunity to talk to them about "reaching out to the customer" & libraries and gaming in general & the Second Life Library project in particular! Categories: TICER2006 , library2.0 , web2.0