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Showing posts from February, 2007

PICARTA goes RSS (and WorldCat and more!)

Just read by two fellow Dutch bloggers ( Dee'tjes and Weblog Zonder Haast ) The latest OCLC PICA Newsletter mentions the new update of Picarta software. Current users of PICARTA can try the new interface . This new software update enables new functionality like: integration of end-user services (i will try and find out what that mean later!) RSS WorldCat implementation indexing Please use Firefox to discover the RSS-feed as it seems a bit hidden in Internet Explorer according to Dee. ;-( First quick try to put a search feed in my Netvibes does not work and using Feedburner is not helpfull for this format. More work to be done ..... Tags: Picarta , oclc pica , RSS , Firefox

Tailor-Made SearchTool Boxes: Netvibes modules

UPDATE! BioMedicalLibrariesBlog Search now also available as Netvibes Module! If you have made a Library Toolbar and want to find alternative ways to offer the search options to PEOPLE WHO CAN NOT OR ARE NOT ALLOWED TO INSTALL the TOOLBAR, you can make them a tailor-made SearchTool Box, : for instance in Netvibes: single search box : Add to your Netvibes Drop down searchbox Helsebiblioteket QuickSearch Add to your Netvibes) or on any webpage ( Helsebiblioteket ) Searching via these boxes offers results in your databases Ɣnd a top-window frame with all other search options you offer through the Toolbar. ------------------------------------- Helsebiblioteket QuickSearch Helsebiblioteket Emnebibliotek psykisk helse Google Scholar

Netvibes Search Modules for Medical Resources!

UPDATE: MedWorm Add to your Netvibes Today -while chatting with David Rothman - I suddenly understood how to make a special Netvibes module that people can add to their own Netvibes page that offers SEARCH functionality in our library resources. Thanks for just being there David! Have a look! QuickSearch CMB (with selected resources from the Toolbar! Add to your Netvibes Consumer Health and Patient Information Add to your Netvibes PubMed (with our RUGLinks sfx) Add to your Netvibes RUGCombine (our Metalib) QuickSearch Medicine Add to your Netvibes SearchingRadiology Add to your Netvibes KMLE Medical Dictionary Add to your Netvibes Dermatology Atlas Add to your Netvibes "Wish List" * Scirus ( * Cochrane Library * MedPixā„¢ Medical Image Database * Yottalook Radiology Search * Goldminer Radiology Search * UBC Healthlib Wiki * EBM Librarian Wiki Any ideas to add? Let me know. Tags: Netvibes , PubMed , modules...

InfoIsland Archipelago expanding very fast!

The "InfoIsland Archipelago" in Second Life is growing fast! These are the Islands that are in there now: InfoIsland I (main island) InfoIsland II (expansion of no. I) EduIsland (focussed on ... Education CommonWealth Island Echoditto Island Cybrary City I (showcase of all involved library organisations, incl. TALIS) Cybrary City II (more of them!) ALA Arts Island (yes, the American Library Association) Imagination Island EdTech ISU SUS Mohawk College: college of Applied Arts and Technology University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and HealthInfoIsland . Tags: secondlife , second life Medical library , healthinfo Island , InfoIsland , Consumer Health Library

Catalogers Tour of the Medical Library!

On Saturday February 3rd I had a large group of Library Staff from all over the world in our Medical Library. They were doing a grand tour of all Libraries within our organisation. When they started at the Main Library there were about 20 people I guess, but when they reached the Medical Library there were "only"10 left. Their special interest was in all library resources made available within our buildings. Yes, you could call them Catalogers. They describe all resources to make them availabe for searching in the OPAC, making them visible on the Web, but all Library resources will also be visible and accessible via all Infokiosks, a sort of computer terminal for walk-in users. We had an interesting discussion about what kind of classification we should use for Medical Resources. Should we use MESH or the LC Classification or both? I added to the discussion that in my opinion we should add TAGS, and offer patrons the option to ADD TAGS Ɣnd Comments in the OPAC. Let's sp...

Alternative PUBMED interfaces ... is always good for good posts. This time it's a great referal to alternative PubMed search interfaces and mashups. I was surprised to see a Dutch version in there from somebody at the UvA, PubReMiner. It certainly looks interesting for specific questions/queries because of the visual indexing & sort of clustering of the possible limits/option. This way you get a good overview what journals cover your subject, or who is publishing most in certain areas. David lists also some previous posts abour other interfaces. I have to check those. I wonder if MorphoSaurus is still in the air.... Tags: pubmed , mashup