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Showing posts from March, 2007

In the workflow : Personal Learning Environments

"And finally, it provides some interesting use cases for thinking about how to put institutional - library and other - services ' in the flow ' of research and learning behaviors." This is what triggered my attention. Want to read more? It's the last line in a post from Lorcan Dempsey. He is reviewing another blog post by Tony Hirst of the Open University [ OUseful Info: Scribd and the Role of Open Repositories ]. It illustrates how people are personally dealing with"The problem is, there are just soooooooooooo many places to share content now." Tags: user environment , workflow , repositories , open university , oclc

What if Users create their own search options? Netvibes examples

What if Users create their own search options? Web technologies allow actually anybody to create almost anything on the Web. Jenny Levine had this great example that stuck in my mind, about an RSS tool that a patron had created on his own website to see what library books should be returned and when. Mind you the Library just did not do it, and could not offer this to their users, although technology allowed it to create this option fairly easy. Personalised pages/tools like Netvibes, Google Personal, Windows Live (does anybody got a complete overview of the options?) offer much more then just RSS-feeds in small boxes. People can link,use and create their own content and design their own search boxes (with a little skill). And the number of people who have this skill is growing rapidly.. In my opinion Libraries should focus on the users more, and therefore I created some Netvibes search modules to see if communities like it. Have a look at what is out there now! Here's the list...

Postcard from Second Life

Check this out! Michigan Library Consortium's showcase stuff at Cybrary City2 posted by Namro Orman on Cybrary City II using a blogHUD : [ permalink ]

Second Life Library Wins National Award

Second Life Library Wins National Award Kitty Pope, Executive Director of the Alliance Library System and the staff of volunteers from around the world who staff the library were just notified they were the winners of the American Library Association/Information Today Library of the Future Award. This award is granted to a library for innovation in library services. The award will be presented at the annual American Library Association in June. posted by Namro Orman on Info Island using a blogHUD : [ permalink ] Tags: second life , infoisland , second life library , ala , als , alliance Library System

Come and watch the Groninger Forum

Come and watch the Groninger Forum, a new new building for our city center in Groningen, The Netherlands. At this place they show a lot of slides, and even the old Martini Tower. posted by Namro Orman on Lohengrin using a blogHUD : [ permalink ]

Netvibes NL Biblioblogosphere search module

It looked like a logic thing to do, to extend the search modules of Netvibes and why not the Dutch Google CSE " NL Biblioblogosphere" created and maintained by Dymphie. The list has been ripped off the blog of Wouter ;-). So, if you want to know what Dutch librarians are blogging about (and you understand Dutch or know how to translate stuff), search this resources, it's fun! De NL Biblioblogosphere Tags : blogs libraries bibliotheken BLOGGERS NL digicmb bibliobloggers Tags: blogs , libraries , Dutch , Netvibes , search , bibliotheken , NL

CWIS-NL live broadcast of Web 2.0 program on March 27th

The CWIS - NL meeting on March 27 th on "Web 2.0 : are we ready for reality?" will be broadcasted live via SURFnet -TV. Several speakers will talk about the use of virtual environments in higher education, like Hyves and Second Life. The real life event is booked solid with over 200 people. The broadcast starts at 10.00 am : After the meet the video presentations will be made available at: Right now you will find the complete program (sorry, only in Dutch ;-) Please have a look at this program anyway, because it contains very interesting links, i.e. from Multi-user game environments in het onderwijs (education) Harald Warmelink ( Universiteit Utrecht): - Neverwinter Nights in the Classroom - Open s...

The Libraries of the University of Groningen at Second Life

At Cybrary City 2 there is now a space for the Libraries of the University Groningen . Groningen" The land has been given to use for free use with certain limits of the parcel. Some 1440 sqm , and a prim limit of 329 which is very low, so we should use prims with care. Using low prim objects and low prim building is a valuable art in Second Life. To see the landlines, be sure to activate "Property lines"in View. Cybrary City islands are showcase islands for libraries over the world in Second Life. I thank Lori Bell of the ALS very much for lending use this land use. posted by Namro Orman on Cybrary City II using a blogHUD : [ permalink ] Tags: bloghud , university library , groningen , second life

BlogHUD posting from within Second Life

This post comes from inside Second LIfe. I am wearing a so called blogHUD (HeadsUpDisplay) that connects me and my textlines from the chat into a selected blog, ór simultaniously to the blog. posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [ permalink ] Tags: bloghud , second life , blogging , blogger

BIBSYS Netvibes search module

BIBSYS Library Search BIBSYS Library Search module wil search in the simple search option Tags : search netvibes Library module bibsys digicmb Tags: bibsys , search , netvibes , module , library

LiveTrix : a library 2.0 Metalib mashup

In Pictogram 7 (Februari/March) an interesting article was published about a Metalib (Ex-Libris) improvement project, called LiveTrix. Based an analysis of log-stats we could conclude that a lot had to be improved to prevent the massive amount of zero result and errors in searching. Together with special technical design of xml modules a lot of library 2.0 elements are already implemented and there is more to come. The article is in Dutch, but there is a presentation available in English. Literature: 1. Bergman, K.T. (2001). The deep web : surfacing hidden value. The Journal of Electronic Publishing. 7(1). 2. Lewandowski, D. & P. Mayr (2006). Exploring the academic invisible web. . 3. Leij, A.W. van der (2006). Redesigning our Combine Harvester (Metalib) [PowerPoint-presentation].

Gaming in the Library

The Shifted Librarian Jenny Levine spoke at/for the SirsiDynix Institute about Gaming in Libraries (pdf) . Although it is mainly focused on using -or starting to use- games (or game technologies) in public libraries, it explains perfectly step by step what the benefits could be! Very good summary on gamer characteristics, funny ways to include bibliographic instructions into a game and a good reading list! Tags: gaming , libraries , gamers , levine , sirsidynix

Netvibes search modules: downloads so far

I have been asked to describe how to make these Netvibes modules, so I will publish that next week! BioMedicalLibrariesBlogs Search Downloads : 148 BioMedicalLibrariesBlogs Search No comment | Tags : no tag Helsebiblioteket QuickSearch Downloads : 77 Helsebiblioteket QuickSearch. All search options offered via… No comment | Tags : search health Library engine national toolbar Helsebiblioteket Search the Helsebiblioteket Downloads : 68 Search the Helsebiblioteket! No comment | Tags : search health Library engine national Helsebiblioteket MedWorm Downloads : 168 Search the Medworm the medical RSS filter engine over 2500 a… No comment | Tags : search rss medical engine medworm QuickSearchBox CMB Downloads : 74 QuickSearchBox CMB: selection of lirbary resources in tailor… No comment | Tags : Library quicksearchbox CMB toolbar DermAtlas Downloads : 95 Search the DERMATLAS No comment | Tags : search medical Library engine derm...