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Showing posts from April, 2007

Livetrix : library 2.0 search & present portal

posted by Namro Orman on Cybrary City II Library of the University of groningen very special project around Search- and Present Portal based on X-server Ex-Libris Cybrary City II (96, 53, 23) [permalink] Tags: livetrix , second live , digicmb , rug , umcg , metalib , ex-libris , library of university Groningen

Update on use of Netvibes Search Modules

Here's updated list of the use of available downloads of the Netvibes Search Modules. Please let me know if you are interested in having a specific module from any (medical or health) search database. New! Snelzoekbalk van de Bibliotheek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (QuickSearch Toolbar of the University of Amsterdam) (90) BIBSYS Library Search (255) Consumer Health and Patient Education (120) DermAtlas (165) Haz-Map Search and More (45): includes HazMap ToxSeek PubMed NLM Gateway Agents in HazMap Jobs in HazMap Disease in HazMap Medical Dictionary Helsebiblioteket QuickSearch (135) KMLE Medical Dictionary (165) MedlinePlus (135) MedWorm (300) MesH Search (Swedish & English) (105) PubMed Search (240) QuickSearchBox CMB (105) Search the Helsebiblioteket (120) SearchingRadiology (90) ToxSeek ( 90) De NL Biblioblogosphere (120) BioMedicalLibrariesBlogs Search (225) TABS (to share) Dermatology (5 journals, dermAtlas plus Collection overview UMCG Dermatology...

Comparison bibliographic management software: Refworks, EndNote & EndNoteWeb

Jeroen Bosmans posts about on a special seminar of Refworks in Utrecht, lists minimum requirements and summarizes convincing arguments why possible web-based alternatives like Connotea , Zotero , CiteUlike (and a host of others ) do not comply: they lack SFX compliance, word processor integration and/or easy import functions Refworks promotion in the Netherlands, or: what criteria for bibliographic management software? Tags: refworks , reference manager , endnote , endnoteweb , citation managers , bibliographic management , connotea , zotero

A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto

Great video about how librarians should see there work. Please "force" all your staff to see and hear this. Then have a staff meeting and talk about what it did to them! First seen via (Edwin) Tags: library 2.0 , job description , manifesto , librarians

From Toolbar to SearchBox : UBA QuickSearchBox

Another great example of re-use of tools .... The Library Toolbar that the Unversity Library of Amsterdam is offering their users can be easily transformed for different platforms, like for instance Netvibes. Click on the Netvibes icon and you will get the "Snelzoekbalk"but as search module in Netvibes. (test version; does not open in new window ;-( This is created with the new Unviversal Widget API . Through it, Netvibes widgets will be available on every widget platforms or blog systems: Netvibes of course, but also Google IG, Apple Dashboard and many more... Tags: search , Library toolbar , digicmb , Uva , UBACoach , UBA , netvibes

Serious network problems at RUG Groningen

Serious network problems at RUG Groningen cause also some trouble for Netvibes library search modules. The modules files are hosted on servers maintaining the CMS of the RUG-website. These servers have been down the last several days, or at least been online on and off. I am thinking of hosting the files on other locations, if these problems are not solved soon. Do not delete your module, there is nothing wrong with it or with your computer. It just can not reach the original files. They will be back, when the systems are back online. Please contact me if you have any further questions.

ToxSeek Search Module for Netvibes!

The Netvibes search module for ToxSeek : Meta-Search and Clustering Engine is now available for download. ToxSeek is a meta-search engine that enables simultaneous searching of many different information resources on the World Wide Web. The ToxSeek user interface allows selection of resources from a wide range of authoritative sources in these categories. By the way I have also included ToxSeek in the HazMap and More ... Search Module. This module now includes: HazMap ToxSeek PubMed NLM Gateway Agents in HazMap Jobs in HazMap Disease in HazMap Medical Dictionary Tags: sis , nlm , toxseek , search , module , netvibes , hazmap , pubmed , gateway

Connect with your Blog or profile inside Second Life

To give your fellow Sl-ers more on info about you or your activities, you can set a lot of info in your PROFILE in Second Life, under Edit! For instance an url to your blog or the website of your org. This way you get the web inside second Life. posted by Namro Orman on Cybrary City II using a blogHUD : [ permalink ] Tags: bloghud , second life , digicmb , cybrary city II

NLM Gateway Ɣnd HazMap Search Module Netvibes

To add the above Netvibes Module to your Netvibes page, just click the icon! 'The National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Haz-Map has been updated. 226 new agents in the categories of metals, solvents, pesticides, mineral dusts, toxic gases and vapors, plastics and rubber, nitrogen compounds, and other compounds were added. Haz-Map is an occupational health database designed for health and safety professionals and for consumers seeking information about the health effects of exposure to chemicals and biologicals at work. Haz-Map links jobs and hazardous tasks with occupational diseases and their symptoms.' Factsheet about Haz-Map Tags: netvibes , nlm gateway , sis , hazmap , digicmb , haz-map , nlm

Finding Time in LIbraries : video!

Wonderful video from the very interesting This year's CIC Library Conference "Getting in the Flow" held on March 19-20, 2007 at the University of Minnesota's Finding Time in the Penn State Libraries Sorry for scraping this of their website, but I think these presentations are worth it to be shown everywhere. Hubert H. Humphrey Center on March 19 and the Elmer L. Andersen Library on Tuesday, March 20. Links for conference presentations : Lorcan Dempsey - From Discovery to Disclosure: Putting Library Resources in the Flow John Butler - Inside the Research Workflow-Minnesota Susan Hollar - Inside the Course at Michigan Diane Dallis - Inside the Course at Indiana Peter Morville - Ambient Findability Jenny Levine - Beyond the Walls of the Academy Ellysa Stern Cahoy - Next Generation Librarians: Visions of Our Future video "Finding Time" Cody Hanson - Next Generation Lib...

Share My Search TAB in Netvibes

To share my Search Tab in Netvibes just add it by clicking the picture... , search modules , search

MedlinePlus Search module Netvibes

For my contact at the NLM I made a MedlinePlus search module for Netvibes and dropped the idea of making a drop-down menu search module with various NLM resources. That is what I am going to try, but what resources should I include? I am already working on their great ToxSeek, the meta-search. Just click on the picture to add this module to your Netvibes page! Contact me for any suggestions and/or improvements. Tags: MedlinePlus , Medline , Pubmed , NLM , Netvibes , ToxSeek