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Showing posts from July, 2007

Replacing Second Life for imaginary world of Thomas Covenant & Harry Potter in France!

Next three weeks I will be on holiday in France, visiting the Jura and French Alps. I am looking forward to reading the new Harry Potter whilst surrounded by the French Alps. And finally I will find time and courage to read the one Thomas Covenant book I never read before. It appeared in 2004, 10 years after the last one and I never dared to read it. Can it be as good as the rest or will I be disappointed? It is a bit hard to leave work Ɣnd Second Life, these are exciting times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bought an Island next to HealthInfo Island, as did the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) are using now also a special parcel on EduIsland4 for exploration and discovery of Sl possibilities. HealthInfo Island has now parcels of land reserved for health related organisations or support groups to use for this purpose as well, exploration and discovery of Sl possibilities. Use of the land is for 6 months...

Second Life Search Toolbar & Netvibes Search Module

Latest Sl News: Second Life Buzz about Second Life Business Failures I am pleased to mention that my search tool for SL, the Second Life Search Toolbar has been approved by the Lindens as a Residents Resource and is listed since yesterday in the Category Search Tools. Please have a look at this residents Resources, they are fun AND usefull in many cases! I have created this Toolbar for everybody to make the gap between Sl en RL smaller Ɣnd to improve findability of information about developments. PLEASE HELP ME TO IMPROVE THIS TOOLBAR! PLEASE send me any new search tools, websites, blogs or Sl rsources you think they are valuable. If you have ideas about new functionality to be included into the Toolbar, let me know! Already the ALL-In-One SL News site is a great resource to keep up with daily news. This aggregated feed is SEARCHABLE and offers multiple ways to view and save news in your desired format. The Toolbar has been downloaded over 300 times for IE and FF, but ...

National Cancer Research Center of Serbia uses New Library Toolbar!

Being abled to help and work together with other medical librarians in the world, is possibly the most rewarding thing about getting abroad and giving presentations and workshops. During my most recent trip to Zagreb , Croatia I met Ana Ivkovic, medical librarian of the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, also the National Cancer Research Center. Here you see Ana (right) and Marga van Meel ( Head Department of Research Information of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences & NARCIS & many other projects) As a one-woman library Ana has so much to do. She does not have her own webpages yet. They are working hard on that at the Institute. In the meantime they now can use the: NCRC Library Toolbar Together with Ana we created this toolbar with a lot of usefull information: direct search in major medical resources like PubMed, Scopus, Cancer Terms Dictionary, Science Direct and many others translation tools ENG - Serbian Alerts for...