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Showing posts from August, 2007

Library Toolbar options expanded!

Thanks to the guys from the MGAS and their Library toolbar I found out yesterday that Conduits web-based toolbar software now offers an option to GROUP more toolbars together into one! They use it as a language switch to offer the Toolbar in English and Dutch, but you could easily use it to offer specific topic or specialisation toolbars. I like their website by the way! Great work. I wish we could do it like that .... (Please have a look at the ZOEKMATRIX (SEARCHMATRIX ) where they offer users to personalise their own startpage with flexible search boxes. Cool!) Tags: library toolbar , conduit , mgas , grouping , search , matrix , searchmatrix , user environment "The Library : Your Rescue Buoy in the Information Ocean"

Second Health and the SciLands

"The Scilands panel at SLCC presented three projects, “Second Health - Visiting A London Hospital of the Future” (picture above), “Demystifying Nuclear Power,” and NOAA ’s “Second Earth in Second Life.” These innovative projects put Second Life center stage in a vision to design better worlds for tomorrow (see also Maya Realities) . All the panel members are key players in the formation and development of SciLands - “an emerging Second Life continent dedicated to serious applications.” SciLands was only founded in January of this year. But the number of projects has escalated rapidly - now up to 34 islands and members from 3 continents." Read more of this great post! Tags: secondlife , second health , sl , hospital , simulation

From Netvibes Universes to Netvibes Premium Universes?

I am still trying to create and improve the DIGICMB Universe and now they tell me I could also have it as an EMBEDDED Universe INSIDE my own (library) website. Check here the Premium Universe of Le Figaro Newspaper web site called Myfigaro and you will see the Url is: . However, Fred Mini , Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Netvibes , in his French blogs adds "for those interested" that these Premium Universe are "Not for Free"... Read more about Premium Universes at the blog called NETVIBER EXPERIENCE. This Premium Universe gives freedom for more customization and advertising. I will get info on how much it costs soon, i hope. Tags: netvibes , universe , premium , rss , personalisation , sharing , publish , library , libraries , api , widgets , feeds , tab s

Are your users into Social networks?

I just searched a little in Hyves to find our users. Medicine STudents Geneeskunde Groningen (345) Dentistry: T.M.F.V. Archigenes (147) Human Movement Sciences Studiosi Mobilae (161) University of Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (3680) Of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)staff members 546 are into Hyves as well. Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (546). The Internal Medicine department: interne geneeskunde UMCG (53) UMCG CCU Security Department: (29) Beveiliging UMCG (24) Trauma NL, UMCG (7) and much more!!! Tags: hyves , social networks , user environmen t

Play2Train Open Content Alliance

Play2Train Open Content Alliance Basically they will offer free land and infrastructure + services to anyone who wants to teach emergency preparedness or related courses! "The Play2Train environment is currently under the purview of the Idaho Bioterrorism Awareness and Preparedness Program ( IBAPP )and the Institute of Rural Health at Idaho State University . The Play2Train Open Content Alliance (POCA), which is evolving from the Play2Train activities, represents collaborative efforts to build a permanent self-sustaining archive of open source virtual worlds, including their content and applications, to support public domain emergency preparedness training and exercises. The virtual content is implemented in the Second Life ™ platform. The powerful user content generation system of Second Life ™ has allowed us to build a sizeable set of virtual environments for emergency preparedness exercises in a fairly short time. We will consider competing platforms as their funct...

What I forgot to tell at Karolinska ....

They gave me 45 mins, but as always I had trouble with deciding what to tell and show. There are some many exciting subjects that are worth mentioning. So I made a choice, and did not tell all that was on my basic list. I must confess, some things I just plainly forgot to tell, by the stress of being in front of 150 people working in medical libraries all around Sweden. Here's my list of: Things I wanted to tell but had no time for (or just forgot;-) LibraryToolbar is a blog that can be used for sharing and collaboration around Library Toolbars. I am thinking a instructional things, olverviews of excisting searchstrings, toolbar icons, etc. So If you are interested, please send me an email, and I can put you up as contributor as well! The Netvibes Karolinska Institutet Searchbox is actually based on an exciting beta version of a Karolinska Institutet Library Toolbar . If you have a toolbar with installed search options, you can easily configure search boxes in html that can st...

Medical Library Conference Karolinska Institute 2007 : my highlights

All presentations from Karolinska Institutet Medcical Library Conference 2007 can be downloaded from: 10:e årliga medicinska bibliotekskonferensen NLM's Long Range Plan: Setting the Course for 2006-2016 and Beyond / Sheldon Kotzin, Associate Director, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA Information Retrieval for nurses: from the librarians point of view. On the basis of EBLIP / Hanne Munch Kristiansen, Psychiatric Research Library, The Hospital of University, Risskov. Aarhus, Denmark But also: Med KI-kunden i fokus / Lotta Haglund, Informationschef, KIB Interaktiv visning av CNS – Visualperspectives / Thomas Nixon, Multimediautvecklare, digital pedagog & grafisk formgivare, KIB (more on this one later! Have a look at their site: ) Some 150 people attended from medical libraries all over Sweden, and even some of Norway. It was nice to see Kari Berg and Karen Johanne Buset from Trondheim again! Something happened ...

To the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm!

The trip to Stockholm was without any delay, the weather was nice, and Stockholm was greeting me with sunshine! Even more pleasant was the meeting with Christer Björklund, the director of the Karolinska Institut University Library, Lotta Haglund, her colleagues Lotta and Karin, together with the other speakers of tomorrow , Sheldon Kotzin, Associate Director, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA, and Hanne Munch Kristiansen, Psychiatric Research Library, The Hospital of University, Risskov. Aarhus, Denmark. We had dinner in Gondolen with a great view over Stockholm old city and enjoyed the wonderful food prepared by Erik Lallerstedt. The organisation promised to live broadcast the whole conference, but I have not found the correct url yet .... See some more pictures at Flickr

Netvibes Universe DIGICMB in development

As from today my Netvibes DIGICMB Universe is open , but still far from ready. I have put up a lot of stuff already, but I am not happy with the places and order of some tabs. Have a look at my medsearch Tab and tell me what you think. Tags: netvibes , universe , digicmb , medical , search , searchbox , toolbar , library toolbar , rss

Reference in a 3-D Virtual World : Library Outreach in Second Life

Just Published in The Reference Librarian, Vol. 47(2) (#98) 2007 Available online at © 2007 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1300/J120v47n98_04 29 Reference in a 3-D Virtual World : Preliminary Observations on Library Outreach in “Second Life” / Jacquelyn Erdman , MSLS, is Coordinator of Assessment and Planning, Stanley E. Wimberly Library, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431 (E-mail: ABSTRACT. As technologies continue to evolve, the library will need to explore new ways to communicate with the public. One of the newest technologies is a 3-D virtual world software called Second Life. Second Life presents new opportunities and challenges for reference librarians to support the information needs of that community. KEYWORDS. Second Life, virtual reference, skills transfer, cooperative reference CONCLUSION Each new development of technology lends itself as a new way for librarians to...

Search Box Example Karolinska Institutet

Creation of search toolbars and tailor-made searchboxes to be place anywhere on the web, even on your users personal pages .. is made really easy with tools like , NeedleSearch , . I know there are many others, but these I use on a daily basis. In preparation of a talk at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm next week, I did a quick excersice (1 hour) on a toolbar and search box on just a few of their freely available search resources. I wonder if they find this usefull ... offer you easy search in PubMed and more ... PubMed & Get It Journal List Catalogue Published by KI Swedish MESH SweMed

First Google Health Screenshots

Just back from holiday, still trying to read all that great news about so many things. More about that later, but I can not wait with this one: FIRST GOOGLE HEALTH SCREENSHOTS plus an extensive post on Based on your Google account you can register all personal information, medication, medical history, background, in fact your complete medical file Read the comment of Martijn Hulst (in Dutch) I like his ideas, and am trying to figure out what this would mean for the medical library, where we could mix in, help or improve stuff, and if we should .... "The doctor is becoming a knowledge navigator. In the future, health care will be a much more collaborative process between patients and doctors." "When you add some information to your profile, Google Health will search trusted medical sources and create a health guide targeted for you. ... Google Health will check for relevant updates to your guide whenever you add new information to the profile....