The opening of the ILI2007 Conference in London at the Copthorne Tara hotel was INSPIRING to say the least. Some would say I do not need to be inspired, but the presentation by stephen Abram, President-Elect, SLA and Sirsidynix (Canada) was everything that I have been reading and thinking about the directions Libraries should take up.immediatly. No waiting, further researching, trying to improve exciting systems and tools. He collected all arguments & proof about shifting environments, learning styles, growing & altered brains from the youth. The network is changing the behaviour of our users and we should jump on that train to at least BE THERE where the user is searching for his information, at the point of need. I can go home now. But I really want to thank him for mentioning Second Life, Kitty Pope & Barbara Galik several times in his speech. It will make our presentation of this afternoon easier. So far I am amazed, because SL was actually mentioned in every single o...