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Showing posts from November, 2007

WORLD AIDS Day 2007 in Second Life

Preview: Music and Dance at HealthInfo Island November 30th, 2007 Ā· No Comments Ā· Edit On healthInfo Island in Second Life an event is taking place on December 1st, WORLD AIDS DAY 2007 in SL. This is a short movie of the SIS/NLM site on HealthInfo Island with a nice combination of healthinformation and Dance. You see Namro Orman in sync with his colleague Alida **Agenda Includes NEW Events!** Please join us at HealthInfo Island for World AIDS Day 2007 on December 1st! See the official site for information about this event of global importance - but be sure to drop by HealthInfo Island: Workshop 09.00 AM SL "Looking for Health: Finding Quality HIV/AIDS Information" by Carolina Keats Tours starting at 10.00 AM SL - and throughout the day.. Please contact us if you want a tour with a special group. Music by DJ 11.00 AM SL Presentations & Discussion 12.00 NOON SL - ChaCha Biedermann, will talk about Support group f...

Academic Research on Second Life

From a post by by Eloise Pasteur about Academic Research on Second Life: Jennings, Nancy, and Chris Collins. (2007) ā€œVirtual or Virtually U: Educational Institutions in Second Life.ā€ International Journal of Social Sciences , 2(3) , 180-187. Jennings and Collins ( download the paper as PDF ) survey some 170 institutions with a presence in Second Life. Tags: secondlife , academic , education , virtual worlds , sl

What If The Library Would Offer You Pennvibes?

Right now, I can only offer our own Netvibes Universe DIGICMB at . You still HAVE to make your own Netvibes account by yourself and copy all relevant newsfeeds or searchboxes into your own personal start page . (Well, you could ask me to create this account for you or your department, if you really want to try. Let's hope not too many will do this. It's not my job to offer this kind of service at all .... ;-) You also still have to remind yourself that you need to login everyday in Netvibes , instead of just login once in your uni network and get there automatically. You COULD bump into all kinds of weird stuff, get stuck trying to get help or support, because not many know about rss, widgets and gadgets inside this organisation and it is NOT an officially supported service (always beta, right?). I even don't know what our IT-departments would have to say about this, but -for this- we do not need them anyway. They would probably say: better...

How people want to be connected ... : social & virtual worlds

| View | Upload your own Another exciting Slidecast of the Day, on Slideshare by Roo Reynolds, shows what is out there and tries to explain why people are "digging" virtual worlds and other social environments. Tags: secondlife , virtual worlds , web3d , ibm , sl , social web

CAVEman : the 4D human atlas

A new medical research tool called CAVEman combines data such as CT scans, X-rays and biopsy results onto the holographic floating image. By adding the 4th dimension, time, specialists can see and study the progress of a physical development or study complex cases with representation of all available data visualised. More pictures Thanks Edwin, for mentioning this on your blog! Tags: CAVEman , 3d , 4D , anatomy , hologram , virtual human , visualisation

Google Scholar Citations in PubMed?

We have an excellent bunch of bloggers in the Netherlands. They are always uptodate and do not just scan their own subjects. I will blog later on about a 4-D anatomical CAVEman ( mentioned by ZBdigitaal). But now, I want to mention to a Greasemonkey Firefox script that presents PubMed search results with the Google Scholar citations ( posted by Wowter ). Wowter is again referring to a post by David Rothman , which explains in detail how the script can be installed and used. It is one of Davids frequently used topics, as can be seen when you search for "greasemonkey pubmed" in the Medlib Blog CSE. I think this is really wonderful, but I also seriously wonder if we should not put some kind of disclaimer next to it, because, on numerous occasions we have been warned by Peter Jacso and others about the dubious treatment of metadata by Google. Also I wonder if anybody can explain to me what "80% hit"means .... Tags: google , google scholar , gs , grease...

The NHS Next Stage Review in Second Life

The NHS Next Stage Review in Second Life The NHS Next Stage Review International Clinical Summit takes place today in real life in London. But remember, you can follow the meeting in Second Life or via the webcast. Dates and times 21 November 2007, 14:20-18:45, Greenwich Mean Time 21 November 2007, 06:20-10:45, Second Life Time (GMT-8) Tags: nhs , secondlife , clinical , sl

Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries : NVB 2007 presentation

My presentation about "Virtuele Werelden, echte bibliotheken"at the NVB annual meeting is online at Slideshare . To give some more info about this exciting subject ;-) here are a few other publications: Kamel Boulos MN, Hetherington L, Wheeler S. Second Life: an overview of the potential of 3D virtual worlds in medical and health education. Health Information and Libraries Journal 2007;24(4):233ā€“245 [indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE](soon published, but if you need a copy let me know!) Or: Get your Consumer Health Information from an Avatar! Health and Medical Related Activities in a Virtual Environment . This paper can be also regarded as the FULLTEXT paper for my Dutch presentation yesterday. I just did not have the time to translate it into Dutch. Sorry! I will make an official NVB version, but it still will be in english. Read this great article in today's Washington Post...


Tsja, here's what happens when you try to directly upload a picture from the NVB 2007 meeting to your blog from a new toy -my new HTC TYTN II, before exploring all it's options and possibilities ...;-) It's a picture from the keynote speaker Cor Molenaar about how (and if) we will survive Internet. here's his book: Internet overleven : Van flowerpower tot Second Life More to come soon, about NVB 2007, about my new toy and it's adventures on the trip back to Groningen. Tags: nvb07 , internet , molenaar , htc tytn II

Second Life: an overview of the potential of 3-D virtual worlds in medical and health education

Just published or to be published very soon: Kamel Boulos MN, Hetherington L, Wheeler S. Second Life: an overview of the potential of 3-D virtual worlds in medical and health education . Health Information and Libraries Journal . 2007;24(4):233ā€“245 The Authors: Maged N. Kamel Boulos , Lee Hetherington & Steve Wheeler , Faculty of Health and Social Work, Institute of Digital Art and Technology and Faculty of Education, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK Abstract: This hybrid review-case study introduces three-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds and their educational potential to medical/health librarians and educators. Second life ( is perhaps the most popular virtual world platform in use today, with an emphasis on social interaction. We describe some medical and health education examples from Second Life, including Second Life Medical and Consumer Health Libraries (Healthinfo Islandā€”funded by a grant from the US National Library of Medicine),...

SirsiDynix Podcasts : Web2.0 and library2.0 added to Netvibes Universe DIGICMB

Netvibes recently improved the options to put more stuff on my "Universe Digicmb" even more easier and now i can go on with adding usefull things to share. Have a look at the podcasts of the SirsiDynix Institution via this Universe ! These are very nice subjects. Here are some titles: Dump the Org. Chart: Get `Er Done!: Management for a 2.0 Library Rob Banks ā€”Deputy Director of Operations, Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library Gina Millsap ā€”Executive Director, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library Sep 18, 2007 | 00:01:00 Did you get your MLS in the previous century? More Info Listen Now | Podcast View Now Supplemental Material How to Understand your Library Users - The Better Futures of their Communities and Institutions Pat Wagner ā€”Co-Owner, Pattern Research, Inc. Do you care about the relevance of your library to the changing worlds of the people who use it? If so, the mission of your strategic plan ...

Journal of the EAHIL : new Krakow Issue!

The New issue of the Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries is out! It's a big one with loads of interesting stuff about the Krakow experience and one featured article: Could Blended Teaching Be the Successful Way of Educating in a Multi-tasking, Multi-media and Multi-faceted Society? A Positive Experience at the Italian National Institute of Health -- Federica Napolitani, Vincenzo Rafti, Alberto Quagliata, Rita Pacchierini Abstract : The paper will present an innovative successful teaching experience recently carried out at the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di SanitĆ , ISS), together with the Department of Educational Sciences of the University of Rome. A course on Models and Instruments of Communication was organized using, for the first time, a blended methodology based on combining or blending of multiple teaching styles (i.e. classroom and e-learning). The course was aimed at internal managerial staff, and was hig...

Did the user and the world change in Spike City (Spijkernisse)?

Did the user and the world change in Spike City (Spijkernisse)? Not if I look at the somewhat passive attitude of the specialists and gpā€™s gathered around for a CEC-like event in the Ruwaard van Putten Hospital , organised by the library of that hospital. Probably, it was the long working day Ć”nd the long staff meeting they had just before the meeting, that prevented them from massively engaging themselves in active discussions. Or was it the buffet and wine;-) And no, their world has not changed that much, restricted they are by hospital rules concerning computer access and confidential data. Their workflow requires the most easy access to ejournals, ebooks and databases. Thatā€™s their primary concern, and thatā€™s what triggered them to ask questions on occasion, while presented with new ways of searching and accessing MD Consult , OVIDSP and their local version of the Digital Library, developed by Ingressus . My presentation about what has been going on Ć³utside their scope, on...

OpenSocial : connecting the social networks?

Google will launch somewhere this week OpenSocial , a set of tools for developers to make interoperability and connectivity between social network applications happen. The social glue or lubrication that will make it easier to integrate special widgets into a social network like Facebook or Hyves (the booming Dutch network: already 4.670.148 members since oct 1st 2004!). So many of these social networks are popping up everywhere, and it seems only logical that it will be possible to exchange information and functionalities between these sites. We have seen this patern happen a few times now, and still see it happening all around us. Open Standards, OpenUrl, OpenSource, OpenSearch etc. Virtual World are multiplying everywhere too. The concept of interoperability has popped up there too. For the Dutch Hyves - and our main users inside Hyves - this could mean a lot. Libraries will be abled in a better way to develop library services inside social networks and make good use of the unlimit...