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Showing posts from August, 2008

Tilburg Ticer 2008 Welcome Dinner and Monday Programm

Tonight many lectures and participants got together for the Welcome Dinner at Auberge Bonheur and it was wonderful food we got served! Here is an impression of the Dorade in a Soup, because I can not find the words to describe the excellent taste. First day of TICER08: Module 1: Strategic Developments and Library Management. In Search of the Next Web Alex Wright Writer and Information Architect, USA The Scholar in Context: Behavior and Workflow Wendy P. Lougee, University librarian and McKnight Presidential Professor, University of Minnesota, Meredith Wilson Library, USA Marketing of Research Libraries Anne Poulson, Executive Director, Research Libraries UK, United Kingdom High Quality - High Impact? Performance and Outcome Measures in Libraries Dr. Roswitha Poll, Former Chief Librarian, MĆ¼nster University, Germany Tags: ticer08 , tilburg , ticer

Wordle "image" of this blog

Click this small image to see the real thing on th Worlde Site.

Book: Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries : Librarians and Educators in Second Life and Other Multi-User Virtual Environments

Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries Librarians and Educators in Second Life and Other Multi-User Virtual Environments Edited by Lori Bell and Rhonda B. Trueman Foreword by Stephen Abram Eighty percent of Internet users are expected to engage in some form of virtual world activity by 2011 (Gartner Research Group), and librarians and educators are already there. This fascinating bookā€”the brainchild of two pioneering virtual world librariansā€”is designed to help libraries and schools recognize the importance of multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) and consider ways of getting involved as they proliferate. The editors and 24 contributors describe library, educational, and cultural projects they have undertaken. They recount their experiences working together to succeed in Second Life and other virtual worlds and explain how traditional library services such as reference, teaching, collections, discussion groups, and young adult programs can be applied in a virtual environment. WARNIN...

Class in Second Life Today!: Looking for Health : a workshop on finding good health information

Looking for Health : a workshop on finding good health information Tags: health , search , medical , virtual ability , google , medlineplus , secondlife , sl , healthinfoisland

iGoogle Tab sharing with University of Michigan Health Sciences Library

Have a look at this nice example of the use of personal start page software (iGoogle, Netvibes, Pageflakes etc.) by medical libraries for their users. Comparable to what we are trying to do with our Netvibes Universe ( http:// ) the UM-HSL offers a iGoogle TAB with relevant content that can be added to your own startpage in iGoogle . And while you are at it ... looks at the other project on their UM-HSL Beta Projects! Tags: Michigan , medical library , hsl , um-hsl , igoogle , Netvibes , Pageflakes , personal start page , universes

VIRTUAL ABILITY ISLAND GRAND OPENING! Chronic Diseases, Disability & Accessibility

Please help us spread the word: VIRTUAL ABILITY ISLAND GRAND OPENING ! Join us on Saturday, August 16th at 1 PM SLT to celebrate the Grand Opening of Virtual Ability Island. The island was developed with a new resident orientation center, advanced tutorials, and training facilities for individuals with disabilities or chronic health conditions. The entire island is accessibility-friendly for new and experienced residents and will provide ongoing classes for people who want to search for and evaluate health information. Funding came through an initial grant from the National Library of Medicine to the Alliance Library System and is sustained by the generosity of individual contributors to Virtual Ability, Inc. We are excited to present this important resource to members of the Second Life community! Location: Virtual Ability Island Virtual%20Ability/128/128/23 Contact Carolina Keats or Eme Capalini, inworld, for more information. -- Related Links: Sl...

Back To Work: last holiday picture

Ok, I am working for 4 days now, and still no post.... Here is the last picture I will show from my holiday and that is it. Then I really have to be talking shop after this. Next post will be about MedlinePlus & Facebook