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Showing posts from October, 2009

The Google Wave directory of helpful waves!

In my attempt to keep up with emerging technologies I could not forget Google Wave of course. Finally I got an account and am now exploring the possibilities. Helpfull in this were a couple of specific public waves: The Google Wave Directory of helpful waves (you need a GW account to access the waves) Links: ABCs of Wave Comprehensive Google Wave Extensions List Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Google Wave From The Start - Tips for new users and beginners Google Wave on the iPhone/iPod Touch Google Wave: :SUGGESTIONS: How are you managing your inbox? How To Make *GROUP* Waves RELOADED/ RIP Public? HTML Gadget - Add HTML to your Wave iGoogle Gadgets That Work Inside Wave Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Wave. SHOW OFF YOUR GADGETS - provide the URL Official DC, VA, MD Wave Wave Extensions/Plugins/Whatnot Wave Guide Discussion 0.0 Wave Guide: Waves Greatest Hits Welcome to Google \/\/ave    Other useful or interes...

A Getsatisfaction widget on your Netvibes public page

I really love the Google Toolbar Page Translate option ... This way I was abled to read the Hungarian Netvibes public page from . The owner -Edit Csajbok Semmelweis University Central Library- wanted to know how to put a GetSatisfaction widget in there, like we use at . I have put the code in a Google doc to share.

Libraries leveraging Facebook and Twitter

#midwestmla09 is the hash tag for the Midwest MLA 2009 conference. I wish more of that conference was openly available (yet). Or at least to be found. Why not use the same tag in Slideshare? Here are two talks for now: Libraries Leveraging Facebook And Twitter View more presentations from Michelle Kraft . And: M Health Sciences Libraries (M for Mobile) by Eric Schnell at #MidwestMLA09. Why not embed & share? It's a great presentation;-)

Netvibes powers Conduit : a strong partnership

Conduit Open Just a few days ago I took a deeper look at Conduit Open . Not because I have any shares in the company, but because we as library are using the tool for years now, as well as Netvibes. And to my surprise, it now looks they both started working very closely together! Conduit Open is a beta version of a marketplace for toolbar components.It was launched a couple of months ago. For Toolbar Creators Basically they implemented a way for toolbar owners [you cant call them developers as creating a toolbar is made dead simple] to SHARE not the toolbar itself, but the seperate toolbar elements, menu*s and buttons. (Hélas not the searchbox with all the library custom searches.) Admins find a share-option in the edit-mode of the toolbar  at each element. This way the component gets published in the Marketplace, available for all. Admins can also choose to search for new components in the Marketplace when logged-in. This Search service offers móre information about the co...

37 ways To Adjust Your Library Toolbar (or any Conduit Toolbar)

Re-post from : Here are just a few ways you can ADJUST your Library Toolbar once you have chosen to use it. I am making this overview because the people creating this free toolbar software ( Conduit ) keep improvingand adding new ways of adjusting the toolbars to give users more possibilities. The examples given are from the NLM Toolbar. During installation you can choose to add 3 personalised buttons to your toolbar (See the picture): Email-notifier (to get notified of new email on multiple accounts) Weather button (To see current and predicted Weather in specific location) Radio-button (To select your own preferences in web-radio ánd to listen to added podcasts via RSS). The NLM Radioplayer contains the podcasts of the NLM Director Comments on MedlinePlus & the NIH Podcast. (These buttons can at all times be de-activated or actived later on)  You can choose to set the customized websearch from the toolbar as your...