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Showing posts from November, 2009

How to make and maintain a Library Twitter account : get your content out there!

It's a few weeks now since I  have launched the cmbUMCG twitter account (in Dutch). The reasons for this were: to start to focus more in Dutch on our target groups, to find out if they are out there tweeting too, and why to keep up with tweets about UMCG: staff, students, patients, and news flashes published by third parties to explore how to get parts of our content and services in there, without having to invest a lot of extra staff time for maintenance and updating to show that the library is using this channel too, to show ourselves and the UMCG. Creation of the account is pretty simple of course via Twitter . Be sure to find a nice logo and background. There are several sites that offer simple free templates for twitter backgrounds (i.e. ), or you create your own . To get relevant content into your Twitter Library account you need: active library staff that tweet about news on any aspect of library services and resources. You can can also...

Link Module from Netvibes Changed : Thumbnail ON of OFF

On some of our Public Pages, like CMB and EduCMB we placed several Link Modules to show links to content on the website of our library. The Link Module then displays a Thumbnail from that page/site. A few day ago suddenly the thumbnails for links within the domain were replaced with little indecent pictures, clearly not coming from this university portal. Quick contact with Netvibes , resulted in quick action: they decided to block thumbnails for at once, and investigate. My question to them : is the rug-site hijacked or the The outcome is still unsure, they now noticed trouble with Thumbshots and Google Groups as well. They DID act quickly again in adjusting the Link Module: you now can turn the Thumbnail ON or OFF!. Related articles by Zemanta Partnership with Sage brings Netvibes to even more Enterprises ( The next Netvibes: Wasabi Edition ( Netvibes Powers, Germany's Largest Portal ...