Helene Blowers was in Rotterdam at the DB Update 2010 Conference (March 25th 2010) and did a keynote with the title "Reality Check 2010 : 5 Trends shaping Libraries" The Digital book race is on Mobile Build Bridges Faster Augmenting is the New Information Window Print is in Peril There is a New Digital Divide I loved this talk and the presentation! Besides the 5 Trends, I was happy to see the New Digital Divide put down so clearly. (See Slide 43 or read below) When Libraries act on these, the shape of the library will shift. Reality Check 2010: 5 Trands Shaping Libraries View more presentations from hblowers . To show the New Digital Divide more clearly, I wrote them down here : Those who know how to "think" about search vs. those who don't Those who know how to validate soft information vs. those who don't Those who know where to find information in new hot channels vs. those who don't Those who understand the cu...
The Web, Research, Virtual and Social Networks in Health & Medicine .... The Infectious Library