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Showing posts from April, 2010

Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries EMTACL10 : ready to go

Trondheim is the scene of my focus coming week where the 1st conference on Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries organized by the library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.   They called it EMTACL10, hopefully the first in a range to follow. I have the pleasure and honour to participate in the International Programm Committee, so it is not that strange to tweet and blog frequently about EMTACL10 lately :-) The hashtag for tweets is: #emtacl10 The tag when blogging: EMTACL10 Here's how to follow what is happening in Trondheim: Get the EMTACL10 widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! Not seeing a widget? ( More info ) When you are not tweeting, you can follow the back-channel via : PLease join the TWUB and invite others. On the Twub you can also see the other social media links for EMTACL10 : EMTACL10 on Facebook EMTACL10 Twitter FLICKR GROUP EMTACL10 Google Wave EMTACL10 Linkedin Event EMTAC...

Drag and Drop Search : make search visible?

Somehow, Aaron Tay   from NUS Libraries   and I keep passing eachother good stuff back and forth, and usually Aaron ends up writing the big posts :-) Somehow, I can't take that much time to write extensively, and therefore many ideas, examples, resources and stuff end up being uploaded automatically at my Delicious (By A few weeks back I noticed a tweet from Aaron about Drag & Drop Search Extension in Google's Chrome Browser. (See all Chrome Extensions: ) Although searching in Chrome is easy: you can just start a search from the address-bar  (Chrome removed the top-right searchbox that FF & IE browsers still have), selection and managing the search engines is not that obvious or intuitive. It can be done via Options. Another cool feature is that Chrome does not wait untill YOU decide to save or collect your most used search engines, but IT COLLECTS MOST USED SEARCH ENGINES AUTOMATICALLY when you visi...

The Webicina Toobar : Quality Medical Information Close To You

The quality of medical and patient information is remarkably high. It is organized in a logical way,  (at ) , offers nice RSS tools to make searching & keeping up-to-date easier ( PeRSSonalized Medicine , plus tons of extra information about Health & Web 2.0 (at ) Perfect to put in a condensed way into a Toolbar that is always close to you, in your browser. Give it a try. The Webicina Toolbar : Quality Medical Information Close To You View more presentations from Guus van den Brekel . toolbar powered by Conduit

Beta Mobile CMB UMCG link

Why create something new if you can use the good work of other? The library does not want to wait any longer and offer the users a mobile webpage. The UBA (University Library of Amsterdam) launched their beta mobile site at UGameULearn 2010 (#ugul10) at a lightning talk of 7 minutes. Uba Mobile View more presentations from Lukas Koster . A few days later a 7-minutes "ripp-off" by @ PetervBoheemen    from Wageningen UR appeared in a tweet by @wowter . I already promised @Lukask planned to work on a CMB UMCG version, but now I took some time to change the url's (because basically that's what took about 7 minutes :-) Here is the CMB UMCG version Most important about all these mobile pages, is that: it's beta, we are working on improving it, based on : user input, common sense and available resources  we can change things fast. So let us know how we can improve or add stuff!

Top 5 Search Widgets: Netvibes

Although I create my widgets with Widgetbox these days, the Netvibes widgets are still well used. In short my reasons for creating these: This way I can embed taylor-made search boxes in webpages ánd the hospital´s Intranet. This to compensate the fact that not all staff is allowed to install our Library Toolbar Users can choose WHERE to install them, take it away, share etc  I can offer them in our Library Toolbox, a Public Netvibes Page Starting a direct search in one of these boxes, takes users direct  into the native interface, to refine their search. The MultiSearch boxes show users there are more resources to use than just the one they are used to. Search via these boxes, is made possible via the Conduit Toolbars, and offer a top frame list of all other resources available to search HERE IS MY TOP 5 Top Search widget out of my list is BY FAR: MEDLINEPLUS, with 1581 installs GET IT HERE From the Largest Medical Library in the World! The PiCarta Wi...