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Showing posts from November, 2010

Google Places for Libraries : generate traffic?

In Google Places you can register your library to appear in Google Maps.  This is how the CMB UMCG looks now in there. You can add images and links to your website. The possibility to add information in the description is useful. Once a month you get your stats in an email, but you can view it online too of course. This month the free Google Places Registration of our library generated:  5421 impressions & 216 extra hits to library website, per month I would like to see more stats of libraries using this.  This week I added some extra links to our new LibGuides (see below). I hope to generate some more traffic. Anything helps ...:-) Resources for  Medicine Resources for  Dentistry Resources for  Human Movement Sciences Related articles Are libraries popular venues? What location based services say.  ( ) Google Maps: You Are Here (libraryjournal....

4URHealth Sidebar for Warner Memorial Library, Eastern University

Via the new Facebook Group "Library Related People" a discussion was started about the use of WebMynd Sidebars . Mark Puterbaugh ,  Information Systems Librarian (Warner Memorial Library, Eastern University) answered positive to my question if he could see any good use of such a sidebar for consumer health resources. When asked for which resources it should include next to the obvious MedLinePlus , he added MayoClinic , the FDA and PubMed  "Primarily it could be used as a reference tool while preparing for research. Students could use this to explore a topic in which they have an interest before hitting the commercial databases. Consumer based resources are excellent tools in which to gather the ideas and terminology that may be unfamiliar." It took me 5 minutes to create the 4URHealth Sidebar (install page) I used the simple widget feature for all 4 resources. In most cases this simple widget feature works fine, but offers little options to fine-tu...

Internet Librarian International Slides?

What Phil has found View more presentations from Phil Bradley . I found 6 presentations from ILI2010 on Slideshare tagged with "ïli2010" Mashing libraries to build communities from  ostephens , posted 3 weeks ago in Technology. 217 views Presentation given at Internet Librarian International 2010 (ILI2010) What Phil has found from  Philbradley , posted 4 weeks ago in Education, Technology. 1855 views My presentation given at the Internet Librarian International 2010 conference on October 15th. A. Rose by any other name from  amandahill , posted 4 weeks ago in Technology, Education. 98 views The Names Project, as presented at Internet Librarian International, 15 October 2010. Social Search from  KarenBlakeman , posted 4 weeks ago in Technology, Business & Mgmt. 492 views Presentation given at Internet Librarian International, 15th October 2010, London Do libraries have a future? from  bethanar , posted 1 month ago. 353 views Pode ...