In Google Places you can register your library to appear in Google Maps. This is how the CMB UMCG looks now in there. You can add images and links to your website. The possibility to add information in the description is useful. Once a month you get your stats in an email, but you can view it online too of course. This month the free Google Places Registration of our library generated: 5421 impressions & 216 extra hits to library website, per month I would like to see more stats of libraries using this. This week I added some extra links to our new LibGuides (see below). I hope to generate some more traffic. Anything helps ...:-) Resources for Medicine Resources for Dentistry Resources for Human Movement Sciences Related articles Are libraries popular venues? What location based services say. ( ) Google Maps: You Are Here (libraryjournal....
The Web, Research, Virtual and Social Networks in Health & Medicine .... The Infectious Library