Cloud Discovery & Licenced Library Databases Integration in Google, Bing, Yahoo & YoouTube via WebMynd Sidebars. Test : WebMynd Sidebar , browser Plugin for Chrome, Firefox & IE Why : Because You are working ALL DAY in your browser, AND you use Google Search constantly. Plus: I am intruigued by browser extensions, add-ons, plugins etc and their applied use in searching and showing Library resources. What does it do? Any search in Google, Yahoo, Bing or Youtube activates a sidebar & Shows you results from your pre-set or configurated custom search engines and web resources in a browser sidebar Library resouces : PubMed, UpToDate, PiCarta, AccessMedicine, Scopus (proxy-enabled, so only for residents) Consumer health : MedlinePLus, FDA, MAyoClinic Extra: Webicina , ZB MED (MedPilot, GreenPilot), Europeana Pre-set resources available: very broad scope, Google Scholar, Docs, Books, scribd, Twitter, Youtube, wikipedia, Facebook, Link...