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Showing posts from January, 2011

World Map of Social Networks

Medgadget @MacWorld 2011 : Skeletal System Pro

Published Today in the :  The Medical Apps Daily ,   a paper by  MedLibMob  ā€“ 204 contributors today MacWorld Expo unfolds The Skeletal System Pro ver 2.0 iPad app | Healthy Living #health #ipad #MacWorld

Primary Care Consultation Service on Twitter : first results

I am reading back some of the events I visited in 2010 for an overview and checked up on all available presentations of Medicine 2.0 Maastricht.  In particular I want to find all the "oldfashioned" paper books that were mentioned and shown during the keynotes in the large Auditorium and make a nice overview Check the Netvibes I created for this: Tweetspreekuur medicine20 Maastricht View more presentations from Bart Brandenburg .

User Empowerment through Digital Technologies : ICLAM2011

The Indian National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) are organising this conference ICLAM2011 in association with IFLA Art Libraries Section.    The theme of the conference is 'User Empowerment through Digital Technologies '.   This is the first conference in a series entitled 'International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums'. The theme is: User Empowerment through Digital Technologies The Website : Contact name : Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Date: 15-17 February 2011 I will be doing a presentation  " The Web, The User and the Library : and why we need to be in between" during the conference and on Monday Februari 14th a pre-conference Workshop/Tutorial " The Browser, The User & the Library : how to get in between".

Medical Apps Daily : your daily or weekly Newspaper based on Twitter & facebook

See it and subscribe    organizes links shared on Twitter and Facebook into an easy to read newspaper-style format. This sounds like it combines twitter AND facebook news, but it doesn't. You can create Newspapers based on: your twitteraccount  The newspaper will be created using all the links (articles) shared in the past 24 hours(or within a week)  by yourself (editor in chief) AND the people you follow (contributors a twitter tag a twitter list  on a search of all public posts on facebook or a custom paper You can query Twitter with a more complex search term than just a #tag (e.g. find all the tweets that talk about climate AND carbon but NOT solar = climate carbon -solar). You can also restrict the Twitter users that can contribute content to the paper by specifying a Twitter list. They promise that more features are on the way... Medical Apps Daily is focussed on a twitter search:   (medical OR medicine OR health OR e-hea...

Cloud Discovery & Licenced Library Databases Integration via WebMynd

Cloud Discovery & Licenced Library Databases Integration  in Google, Bing, Yahoo & YoouTube via WebMynd Sidebars.   Test : WebMynd Sidebar , browser Plugin for Chrome, Firefox & IE Why : Because You are working ALL DAY in your browser, AND you use Google Search constantly. Plus: I am intruigued by browser extensions, add-ons, plugins etc and their applied use in searching and showing Library resources. What does it do? Any search in Google, Yahoo, Bing or Youtube activates a sidebar & Shows you results from your pre-set or configurated custom search engines and web resources in a browser sidebar Library resouces : PubMed, UpToDate, PiCarta, AccessMedicine, Scopus (proxy-enabled, so only for residents) Consumer health : MedlinePLus, FDA, MAyoClinic Extra: Webicina , ZB MED (MedPilot, GreenPilot), Europeana Pre-set resources available: very broad scope, Google Scholar, Docs, Books, scribd, Twitter, Youtube, wikipedia, Facebook, Link...