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Showing posts from April, 2012

How DO I Deposit my Poster or Presentations to the F1000 Poster Portal?

To support the Poster Project,  I have made a short demo about Depositing Posters or Slides to the F1000 Poster Portal. How DO I Deposit my Poster or Presentations to the F1000 Poster Portal ? View more PowerPoint from Centrale Medische Bibliotheek, Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG) MĆ³re about the Project: The UMCG F1000 Poster Project : an update Short YouTube movie about the the Open Access UMCG Institutional Poster Portal The Slides of this presentation The Portal info on the CMB Website

RSS functionality in University of Groningen Library Catalogue

This week we got the notice that RSS functionality had been activated in our University of Groningen Library Catalogue This is a long-standing wish of many librarians, mostly because of the possibilities it creates to distribute and aggregate information about publications listed in this Catalogue. Alert lists for individuals or departments, new books on specific topics, new ebooks and ejournals ... to name a few. It opens a new range of features and services. Currently I have indication that the RSS works without any issues in Internet Explorer, Opera & Safari.(See screenshots below) For FirefoxFirefox and Chrome I had to do some work to make those browsers "SEE" RSS feeds on a webpage. FIREFOX : To make RSS enabled in Firefox, so you can see the RSS icon in your address bar, you have to go to: VIEW; Toolbars; Customize and DRAG the RSS icon (called "Subscribe") somewhere into or near your address bar. CHROME : To make RSS ena...

The UMCG F1000 Poster Project : an update

This week the International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences 2012 Poster Portal has gone live with the publishing of one of the award winning posters of last year. This branded F1000 ISCOMS Portal is part of the Central Medical Library, UMCG project called "UMCG Poster Portal, an institutional Open Access portal". So far F1000 did offer poster and slides facilities just for individuals and Societies , but now they are working on this for organisations, like academic institutions as well, to start with the UMCG. ISCOMS Poster Portal You can see clearly now how a branded UMCG Conference Portal with F1000 would look like. Right now there is only just one poster there, but it is an award-winning one of ISCOMS 2011!. All presenters at ISCOMS 2012 will be asked to deposit their posters and slides to this Portal to make sure they will be visible for those who can not attend the conference. See also: