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Showing posts from November, 2012

Lending out iPads to Medical Staff : my #online12 talk

LENDING IPADS TO MEDICAL STAFF: INTEGRATING IN INFORMATION WORKFLOW from Guus van den Brekel The Central Medical Library of the University Medical Center Groningen started to lend iPads to clinical and research staff in Februari 2011.  We brought this new innovative technology to them to engage them in an experience that most certainly would affect their daily workflow in patient care, research or education.  The iPads were pre-loaded with apps on workflow, communication, medical specialities, journals, books and library resources.  It brought the library many useful direct user contacts as the iPads were exchanged only with a initial personal "briefing" Ć”nd a de-briefing meeting when the iPads were returned.  One of our goals for this project was to learn where the library's focus should be for the next years regarding mobile technology & library services.  This talk will explain how pro-active projects like lending out iPads to patrons, can have ...

Interactive Poster by StudentBureau UMCG : touch and swipe me!

During the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Dutch Medical Education Association (NVMO) an innovative concept of a poster was presented by Jan Pols and Annelies Muurman ( StudentenBureau UMCG ) Here is a short YouTube movie, shot by me (in Dutch): More info E14.4 De poster nĆ” 2012: werken met studenten uit andere studierichtingen Pols J, Muurman A, Boer J de, Sanroesdi ER, Buiter DJ UMC Groningen, Hanzehogeschool

NVMO 2012 : the Dutch Medical Education Association Annual Meeting

The Dutch Medical Education Association had it's yearly event and it was my first time there! I was there partly to present our experiences with the " iPads on Loan " -project of the CMB, UMCG in a joint-session with an Anatomy teacher ( Peter Room ) & medical student Rens Teeuwen. ( watch our three slide-sets ) Observation: there was hardly any knowledge about the excistence of or  among the people I spoke to at the conference (mostly medical educators/teachers). I did not even start about the medicine focussed SLIDEWORLD. org, which is unluckily infested with adverts. (It is not to be confused with Slideworld.COM , which pretends to be thĆ© Search Engine for presentations.) Here is my contribution (in Dutch): Te leen : iPads | NVMO Rondetafel over Tablets from Guus van den Brekel I attended two interesting sessions worth mentioning: "Augmented reality" in het medisch onderwijs. After a short clear in...

Custom Search F1000 Posters

The Open Access UMCG Poster Portal project is growing steadily. The collaboration with F1000 resulted in the first ever Institutional Portal within F1000 for the University Medical Center Groningen . There is still an ongoing process of improving and exploration between the CMB and F1000. In summary, here's what is possible: uploaded posters & slides are connected to relevant Departments of the UMCG one can search within the UMCG posters/slides filter for just posters or presentations  resulting articles can be connected to posters/slides relevant faculty topics are visible we have a branded page for the UMCG , including a promotional banner & sidebanner with 5 related links,  Conferences by UMCG can be facilitated in hosting and publishing their posters and slides for years on, including settings for publication embargo's. all posters and slides are published with    This poster is open access subject to the  CC BY Creative Commons 3.0 ...