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Showing posts from January, 2013

RSS Feed Translation "Google Script"

I am working on the Twitter account of  @ResearchUMCG  and was asked to include the UMCG Press Releases . Unfortunately these Press Releases are only in Dutch for now. And the intension is to tweet in English .... I found a very useful blog called Digital Inspiration explaining how to execute this translation automatically via Google Script . Strangely enough I was not abled to see the script in Google Script at all in my preferred Chrome Browser (who's product is that again?) Instructions were very clear and setting up the translation script was done in minutes. I used Twitter feed to deliver it to the Twitter account. I like Twitterfeed for the prefic etc. It takes a long time to load screens though .... Next time I will try DLVR.IT  (anyone any experience?) We feed the atUMCG publications also directly into this Twitter-account.

Educational value of tablets in medical education

The Dutch Medical Education Association had it's yearly event in November 2012 and it was my first time there. I was there partly to present our experiences with the " iPads on Loan " -project of the CMB, UMCG in a joint-session with an Anatomy teacher ( Peter Room ) & medical student Rens Teeuwen. ( watch our three slide-sets ) We gathered all information used in this BIT.LY BUNDLE:   iPad en snijzaal |  NVMO   2012  Rondetafel Auteur: Rens Teeuwen Alle links A16 De didactische waarde van de tablet-pc. Eerste ervaringen met het gebruik van iPads in het medisch onderwijs *Educational value of tablets in medical education* from  digicmb,  2 months  ago  in   Health & Medicine 15 slides | 1 favorite |  Download Didactische waarde van de tablet-pc |  NVMO   2012  Rondetafel Auteur: Peter Room Alle links A16 De did...

The Power of a Linkresolver : PubMed & SFX Ex Libris

In my opinion linkresolvers like SFX from Ex Libris   have been libraries saviors for visibility and findability in the ever expanding webification of information. Findings show users are moving away more and more from library websites and find scholarly information in big freely available search engines like Google Scholar. Linkresolvers are contributing largely in the awareness that libraries are responsible for making the information available and accessible for their patrons. They connect information on the web with the local library and the library services. Without linkresolvers the idea that all information is free and in fulltext available for everybody on the web would have become an  idée fixe  by all (and not just by many which is the case right now...;-) I have been tracking the use of out preferred linkresolver SFX for years in relation to PubMed and wrote some posts about the use and functionality in the past : Usage PUBMED Outside Tool : SFX Sta...