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Showing posts from February, 2013

Comparing Journal Apps; February Update

Screenshot Docwise Here is an update on the Comparing Journal Apps Post  from February 4th 2013. The plan is to arrange a trial and comparison period of 4 journal apps within the University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen. Just talking and tweeting about it already had some nice feedback from patrons, but also some libraries are interested. It would be great to have more people doing the comparison in the same time. BĆ©fore we will start the actual trial period, we want all apps to be ready for our users to: be abled to register, because for all app you need to... Today (22.2.2013) the DocPhin registration is open for our Institution. Choose: Other: University Medical Center Groningen DocWise made the Netherlands (and other countries) available with currently two in there: UMCG and University Utrecht Read by QxMD has "Rijksuniversiteit Groningen" to use for proxy access have the fulltext access via our ezproxy installed or availabe for all 4...

Reach Out to Research : library support services (R2R)

I had a great time in  TromsĆø  for the  ReachOut to Research (R2R) Small seminar about library services supporting research and technology I did two presentations of 1 hour on the Thursday for a large group of staff members of the University Library of TromsĆø . On the Friday we did a roundtable session of almost 2 hours on various topics touched in the two talks. I created a special Topic to keep up to date on library support services for Research and called it   ReachOut to Research (R2R) Reach Out to Research : library support services (R2R) from Guus van den Brekel The user, the Technology & the Library (and why to go in between) from Guus van den Brekel

The EAHIL (European Association for Health Information and Libraries) 2013 workshop

Do you want to develop your own strategies to meet challenges facing research and health libraries? Do you want to participate in creative dialogue and gain new insights on key topics? Do you want to build your network amongst european coll egues? Then the EAHIL (European Association for Health Information and Libraries) 2013 workshop in the archipelago of Stockholm is for you! The 2013 EAHIL Workshop will be hosted by the University Library at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, from June 12th - 14th. The biannual EAHIL Workshop will take a more participatory approach than traditionally seen at most conferences and workshops, without papers and posters. A range of methods will be used to stimulate dialogue around a topic allowing participants to gain insight and understanding. The key words that will permeate this workshop are interactive, innovative and inspiring. Be prepared to leave your comfort zone! Only 200 people can attend, so donā€™t wait too long to sign up! Please note...

Comparing (Medical) Journal Apps

There are a couple of great Apps available to read your preferred Journals, scan them and keep up to date on your tablet. The CMB UMCG want to test a few of them more thoroughly in the next weeks. Flipboard-like (Medical) Docwise &  Read (by QxMD) personalized "Flipboard" for medical journals, news and topics. Both these Apps have Settings for our library's proxy off-campus access. In Docwise you choose: Alabama; University Medical Center Groningen In Read: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (reviews Docwise & Read ) Start Pages-like (Medical) Docphin ( unfortunately they are not responding to my requests to include our outside-US Institution, we can't test it. Update : They are willing to activate my institution, details sent, now we have to wait!) review Docphine Bookshelf-like (All Topics, including Medical) BrowZine   (We are talking to them for a possible trial. This is the only App with a license-fee plan) Finally reading Table...