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Showing posts from October, 2006

But it is not all playing around ... : Consumer health & Education & Clinical and Research

The Second Life Medical Library is focussing on three main targets: 1. Consumer Health Information : a special Consumer Health Library will be build and the project manager Carol Perryman (with colleagues) will map all excisting Support Groups in Second Life, and do a special outreach program, to improve Health Information transfer in a broad sense. Currently we already have been abled to track down a long list of Support Groups. It is for this project that the Central Medical Library of the University Medical Hospital Groningen in the Netherlands is official participant and I am dedicating some time. More on this project later! It will be the most important project the Second Life Medical Library will focus on. 2. And we want to do the same for any Educational, Clinical or Research activities related to Health or Medical subjects that take part in Second Life. Many Academic organisations are stepping in or thinking about it. Have a look at ! Sl offers a lot of s...

Why is Second Life Medical Library exciting for me?

Do you know this week the Second Life Library will have it's offical opening? After 6 months of working on this project we now have a GRAND OPENING. For the people without Second Life: have a look at this cool video with this special tour of the INFOISLAND. On InfoIsland there will be three days of special events, opening sessions, exhibits, tours etc. See the detailed agenda here: Thursday, October 12 Virtual Worlds and Education: The Cutting Edge : 4 pm sl - 6 pm sl . Speakers: Pathfinder Linden, Kitty Paul, Puglet Dancer, Professor Beliveau, Lorelei Junot and Maxito Ricardo. Puglet Dancer and Kitty Paul will cut the ribbon to begin grand opening ceremonies at Info Island open air auditorium (Info Island 143, 82, 34) Friday, October 13 7:30 a.m. sl - 1:30 pm. sl - Virtual Worlds and Alternate Realities ? Where Do Libraries Fit In? ? A variety of wonderful speakers with keynote by Pathfinder Linden - Info Island open air auditorium(Info Island 143, 82, 34) An audio link is ...

Major changes in databases : & Medline

It may seem that I am investing a lot of time in the Second Life Medical Library, based on the number of posts recently. And it is true, but it is mostly personal time. I will explain about this later. First some news from the database front. Our patrons are still using the Silverplatter interfaces Winspirs and Webspirs a lot, because they used to for a long time now, it's historical. Winspirs was the first interface that allowed Medline search within the hospital. First on a local server in the hospital, then using the University Library servers and now we are using the ERl-servers in the US. Once you are hooked on the Winspirs interface and you have invested time to learn how it works, this still is a good way to search. I must admit that the use of Winspirs falls into the category of "power-use" in my opinion. But the number of databases available is decreasing and the Webspirs interface is not the perfect successor or Winspirs. As of January 1st 2007 we will offer Emb...

Education and Research BOOMING in Second Life!

I promised to let you know how the presentation of John Bradford went. Well, follow the link and see the transcripts, the presentation Ɣnd the demo movie! According to The SIMTEACH blog it was perhaps the largest edu event in the Metaverse .... Simteach is really a great site. The subtitle is: "Information and Community for Educators using M.U.V.E.'s (Multi-User Virtual Environments ) Reference: Schwartz, D. L., Bransford, J. D., & Sears, D. (2005). Efficiency and innovation in transfer. In J. Mestre (Ed.), Transfer of learning from a modern multidisciplinary perspective (pp. 1-51). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. One of the Second Life Medical Library missions is to identify and list all relevant activities on the following subjects: Support groups (patient groups in SL) for possible outreach from the Consumer Health Library (more on this later!) Educational, Clinical and Research activities with relation to Health Information or any Medical subject. H...

"Virtual Environments as ways to Reorganize Thinking about Research and Education"

Some people keep asking what is going on in Second Life and why I am that interested .... At this moment I barely can keep up with all activity around Educational and Research subjects. But this presentation I have to see... It fits my interests in wanting to know, keeping up with HOW people learn. DR. JOHN BRANSFORD TO SPEAK AT PALLADIUM MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 @ Noon PT - Dr. John Bransford, prominent education psychology researcher and editor of the book "How People Learn," will be giving his first presentation in Second Life. Dr. Bransford is the director of The Learning in Informal and Formal Environments (LIFE) Center, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. His presentation is entitled, "Virtual Environments as ways to Reorganize Thinking about Research and Education. Conference attendees will also have the opportunity to view the virtual research labs created by Stanford University, University of Washington and SRI International. The presentation will take ...