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Why is Second Life Medical Library exciting for me?

Do you know this week the Second Life Library will have it's offical opening? After 6 months of working on this project we now have a GRAND OPENING. For the people without Second Life: have a look at this cool video with this special tour of the INFOISLAND. On InfoIsland there will be three days of special events, opening sessions, exhibits, tours etc. See the detailed agenda here: Thursday, October 12 Virtual Worlds and Education: The Cutting Edge : 4 pm sl - 6 pm sl . Speakers: Pathfinder Linden, Kitty Paul, Puglet Dancer, Professor Beliveau, Lorelei Junot and Maxito Ricardo. Puglet Dancer and Kitty Paul will cut the ribbon to begin grand opening ceremonies at Info Island open air auditorium (Info Island 143, 82, 34) Friday, October 13 7:30 a.m. sl - 1:30 pm. sl - Virtual Worlds and Alternate Realities ? Where Do Libraries Fit In? ? A variety of wonderful speakers with keynote by Pathfinder Linden - Info Island open air auditorium(Info Island 143, 82, 34) An audio link is available at : type your name and click enter. Minimize this window. For those without audio we will transcribe the speaker as they speak. 5:00-6:00 p.m. sl Scary Movies at Second Life Pantheon Picture House (Info Island II, 98,71,24) 6:00-8:00 p.m. sl ? Costume Ball at Info Island Mystery Manor ? prizes for best costumes! (Info Island, 214, 163,33) Saturday October 14 8:00 a.m. sl - Opening of Caledon Branch - 19th century library (Caledon Tamrannoch 211,31,22) 9:30 a.m. sl : Grand Opening of Second Life Library Medical Library. Special events (Info Island 165, 204, 33) Bioterrorism demonstration, Speakers: Moriz Gupta and Sojourner Truth (more detailed agenda to follow soon!) 12:00 p.m. sl - Second Ribbon Cutting and special speaker - Info island Open Air Auditorium (Info Island 143, 82, 34) ? Katt Kongo, editor, Metaverse Messenger 3:00 p.m. sl Talis SciFi & Fantasy Portal Opening - special events (Info Island 29, 62, 33) 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. sl - TX950 Beach party and celebration - dancing refreshments, fun (Info Island 85, 33, 23) Throughout the day: Tours, scavenger hunts, information kiosks ? Come and have fun!


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