Today I finally got the ISI Web of Science search working for the QuickSearch Library Toolbar Thanks to the very good help from the Thomson TechSupport I was abled to construct : Cited reference Search for authors in ISI Web 0f Science. Just start search right away. Some people will like that! Topic Search in General Search. Thanks to US-colleagues (UT SouthWestern Medical Center Library) I also got the OVID FULLTEXT SEARCH feature working from within our Toolbar. By just using the correct JumpStart links it works fine now! Although we at the RUG do not have a substantial fulltext subscription, the Icelandic colleagues of the Landspitali Hospital will be happy about this! But the most promising addition is the LiveTrix SearchTool, the logic follow-up of the Metalib configuration and analysis. Used like this in the Library Toolbar, it can be used as Resources Exploration Tool, an (almost) self-explanatory "guide" to available search databases and resources for you on y...
The Web, Research, Virtual and Social Networks in Health & Medicine .... The Infectious Library