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Showing posts from January, 2007

New Searches in Library Toolbar : Web of Science, Ovid and LiveTrix

Today I finally got the ISI Web of Science search working for the QuickSearch Library Toolbar Thanks to the very good help from the Thomson TechSupport I was abled to construct : Cited reference Search for authors in ISI Web 0f Science. Just start search right away. Some people will like that! Topic Search in General Search. Thanks to US-colleagues (UT SouthWestern Medical Center Library) I also got the OVID FULLTEXT SEARCH feature working from within our Toolbar. By just using the correct JumpStart links it works fine now! Although we at the RUG do not have a substantial fulltext subscription, the Icelandic colleagues of the Landspitali Hospital will be happy about this! But the most promising addition is the LiveTrix SearchTool, the logic follow-up of the Metalib configuration and analysis. Used like this in the Library Toolbar, it can be used as Resources Exploration Tool, an (almost) self-explanatory "guide" to available search databases and resources for you on y...

Feedscrapers and other ways to "re-use" content

Our hospital has a very good website on the internet, but does not offer RSSfeeds (yet). By using a Feedscraper like Feedity I created rssfeeds of the news webpages, the Promotions (doctoral degree), Agenda and Press Releases, that are now available via the QuickSearch LIrbary Toolbar, and visible on my blog in the sidebar. "Feedscrapers" are tools that can make an RSSfeed of (almost) any webpage. This can be usefull if the website has no rssfeeds available or is (not yet) configured to deal with RSS. Feedity - RSS Web Feed Generator for Web Pages without Syndication (previously FeedTier) Wotzwot Feed43 makes it possible to convert elements of pages into RSS instead of the standard complete page. FeedYes van start ScrappyGoo - Google News Feed Scraper RSSgenr8: HTML to RSS Converter - Generate an RSS feed from a web page Ponyfish is a FREE web-based tool that allows you to create your own RSS feeds from almost any web page . Feedwhip Dappit Please let me kno...

Some observations on Norway ...

The ā€œUnDutchablesā€ is a great straightforward book about Dutch culture and habits. Itā€™s cynical Ć”nd comical, but at the same time registering and analysing wonderful observations about our little country and inhabitants. I thought this would be a good present for the people who invited me to Norway , Karen and Sigrun. While reading it at the airport and in my hotel (I bought one for myself too), I thought that I would have to observe the Norwegian and see if they have some peculiar habits too, or at least register where things differ from the Dutch. I dare not to say that if things in fact dĆ³, they would be peculiar, only compared to the Dutch, and I if I got the message from the book right, weā€™re also uncomparable -;) Some observations of this week: Their No Smoking policy resulted in massively smoking outside, taken to a extreme level. Never seen so many people smoking before ā€¦outside buildings that is. Don't get me wrong, I think it is very good! While we sti...

At The "heart" of BIBSYS

After the workshop on Thursday I was given a tour of the Dragvoll Library and the Main Library for Technology . (More on those visits in a later post) After that I crashed on my bed for a couple of hours and hooked up with Second Life later in the evening. While talking to a visitor at the Consumer health Library I got IM-ed by someone called Dewey Dix , who said -to my great surprise- that he had attended my presentation in Trondheim. I offered him a TP (teleport) to have a talk a.v.a. (avatar versus avatar). It turned out that he was working at BIBSYS . They supply library and information systems to over 100 libraries and institutions of higher education in Norway, such as the university libraries, the National library, college libraries, and a number of research libraries and institutions. I gave him a quick news flash on some nice new things we have in the medical Library, like Healthy, the chatbot and the 3d Virtual Reality Room. We became friends (that's an offical activi...

e-learning 2.0 Infiltrates the Classroom

A nice overview of what's happening within internet-based educational software by Read/Write Web . Good to know there is all lot of good stuff out there we could use instead of BlackBoard -;) I want to add SLoodle , Second life Object-Oriented Distributed Learning Environment. Have a look! Tags: Google for Educators , elgg , educational software , e-learning , Sloodle

"Into the User Environment Now! in Trondheim

The extended and updated version of the Cluj presentation concludes with small summary of Second Life Libraries and a live demo. This proofed to be a nice finishing in Trondheim, as well as in Oslo. In both cases a break was build in for coffee and social (not small) talk amongst the colleagues who do not meet each other that often. In the auditorium of the Laboratoriumsenteret of the St. Olavs Hospital about 70 people -medical and health librarians and even some BIBSYS staff, who have their office just a few block away- attended . (More on BIBSYS in a next post) The more detailed workshop the next morning was perfectly situated in the Multimediensenteret of the Realfagbygget, Auditorium R6. The focus was on the Library Toolbar and this time I created a UBITMed Library Toolbar on the fly, I succeeded (luckily!) to include the BIBSYS search and other stuff. There was much interest for the LiveTrix presentation, because NTNU also has a Metalib version up and running together with 3...

Trondheim UBiT Medical Library NTNU

Trondheim UBITMed Originally uploaded by testdriverone . After a bumpy flight and a slippery landing on Tuesday evening in Trondheim I got to meet Karen Johanne Buset and Kari Berg in the Medical Library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) on the morning on Wednesday 17th January. They gave me a very good welcome, a tour of their Library and a lunch together with their colleagues. They tell me they allways have lunch together at 11.00 with as many colleagues possible, as a kind of social event and updating eachother. The library is situated on the St Olav Hospital " building site" -;) as they are building a complete new hospital at the same space the current hospital buildings are right now. The office of Kari Berg shows a great view of all activity. Want to read more on the new plans for the new medical library as a learning organization in 2014 in that new Hospital? Tags: NTNU , Trondheim , St. Olav's Hospital , UBIT , medical library ...

Vigeland Park visit

Vigeland Park visit; Norway, Oslo Originally uploaded by testdriverone . Vigeland Park is a " must see"! That was what everbody told me. So, today -on my day off and travel to Trondheim- I went for a city walk by myself and explored Oslo. The weather was again very nice with a beautiful sun that stayed very low. Good for pictures! They will be up soon. I saw the harbour and the fjord and visited Akershus Festning. In the afternoon there was time to go to Vigeland Park with it's large number of sculptures, statues, fountain and the Monolith. Sigrun was so nice to play for tour guide and have lunch with me, untill I had to leave to catch the plane to Trondheim. It is now 23.56 and I am sitting in my hotel room in the very center of Trondheim at Hotel Augustin. Greetings from Augustinus Johannes Petrus. Tags: Vigeland , Vigeland park , oslo , norway

Toolbar Workshop in Oslo

Today a group of 20 Norwegian colleagues from the Olso region did a 3 hours Workshop with me in a great computer room from the Oslo University College ( ) We mainly covered the Library Toolbar by looking into all kinds of details, but the great part was that people could create their own toolbar in a few minutes and add search engines, links, menu's etc. So there now are about 12 extra health/medical Library Toolbars created! We also worked on "our" new Metalib follow-up Livetrix , Web Trends and even a little Second Life demo -;) Want to see more Library Toolbars? Here is a picture of the Auditorium of the Kunnskapsenteret where I did my presentation this morning. My presentations will be up after next Thursday, i think somewhere on my blog, or on slideshare .com More pictures from Norway! Tags: Kunnskapsenteret , Oslo , library toolbars

Guus goes Norway : welcome by Sigrun

Reception in Oslo by Sigrun 1 Originally uploaded by testdriverone . Today I arrived in Oslo were Sigrun Espelien Aasen welcomed me. We had a quick lookaround in her organisation the " Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten " (Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services) They have recently launched the Helsebiblioteket and acquired a new quality resource, like a Norwegian version of UpToDate called Norske Elektronisk Legehandboka We tested the auditorium on internet access and it all looks good for tomorrow! Tags: UserEnvironment , oslo , helsebiblioteket , kunnskapssenter

Library 2.0 meme map - version 2.0

Library 2.0 meme map - version 2.0 Originally uploaded by bonariabiancu . I have not found a better picture to show what Library 2.0 means ....

Podcast CDC in Second Life!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & Second Life John Anderton (Hygeia Philo) interviewed For " Who's on Second? ". See the notes and Listen to it as a podcast ! And while you are at it, be sure to listen to the first ever interview in this series Carolina Keats (Carol Perryman in Real Life) about HealthInfo Island. More on CDC's mission in Second Life Tags: Second Life , HealthInfo island , Second Life Library , Podcasts , CDC , Second Life Medical Library

Is Europe Ready For The Millennials?

Forrester Consulting published a report in November 2006 -prepared for Xerox- on "Is Europe ready for The Millennials? : Innovate To Meet The Needs Of The Emerging Generation? Are the senior executives across Europe aware of the working styles of the younger generation? And did there companies adopted processes and technologies? Are senior executives any different from librarians, educators, etc? Millenials want to use the same tools they are using their personal life all day long, for gathering information and communication. That sounds like my target group of future library users. Nice reading. Tags: Millenials , Net-generation , user environment , libraries