Our hospital has a very good website on the internet, but does not offer RSSfeeds (yet).
By using a Feedscraper like Feedity I created rssfeeds of the news webpages, the Promotions (doctoral degree), Agenda and Press Releases, that are now available via the QuickSearch LIrbary Toolbar, and visible on my blog in the sidebar.
"Feedscrapers" are tools that can make an RSSfeed of (almost) any webpage. This can be usefull if the website has no rssfeeds available or is (not yet) configured to deal with RSS.
- Feedity - RSS Web Feed Generator for Web Pages without Syndication (previously FeedTier)
- Wotzwot
- Feed43 makes it possible to convert elements of pages into RSS instead of the standard complete page.
- FeedYes van start
- ScrappyGoo - Google News Feed Scraper
- RSSgenr8: HTML to RSS Converter - Generate an RSS feed from a web page
- Ponyfish is a FREE web-based tool that allows you to create your own RSS feeds from almost any web page
- mySiteFeed.com.
- Feedwhip
- Dappit
- Alert service for your subject searches via RSS (PubMed offers this, but also for Google searches you can use Ben HammersleyÂ’s Google-to-RSS SOAP script or the GooRSS service.
- News Feeds To Mobile Phone PhoneFeeds.com and Litefeeds.com you can convert any RSS-feed in a feed for your mobile, Palm, Blackberry, PDA or MDA.