" Libraries exist to make a difference. Whether they are a public library, on campus, or within a governmental or business organization, they are instrumental in creating better places to live, work, and learn ." An independent panel of library leaders from around the world selected the awards recipients. Any SirsiDynix library worldwide whose technology leadership has distinguished it in service to its user communities was eligible. The 2007 recipients are: Alliance Library System ( East Peoria, Ill. ): A regional library system in central Illinois started a library in the three-dimensional virtual world of Second Life to gain experiential knowledge about providing library services in a virtual world. http://www.alliancelibrarysystem.com .... Read the rest at: http://www.sirsidynix.com/Company/bbc_awards.php Tags: second life , sl , secondlife , libraries , als
The Web, Research, Virtual and Social Networks in Health & Medicine .... The Infectious Library