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Showing posts from June, 2007

Building Better Communities Awards for Second Life Libraries!

" Libraries exist to make a difference. Whether they are a public library, on campus, or within a governmental or business organization, they are instrumental in creating better places to live, work, and learn ." An independent panel of library leaders from around the world selected the awards recipients. Any SirsiDynix library worldwide whose technology leadership has distinguished it in service to its user communities was eligible. The 2007 recipients are: Alliance Library System ( East Peoria, Ill. ): A regional library system in central Illinois started a library in the three-dimensional virtual world of Second Life to gain experiential knowledge about providing library services in a virtual world. .... Read the rest at: Tags: second life , sl , secondlife , libraries , als

Second Life News All-inOne

As from today you can read all Second Life News listed in the Second Life Search toolbar also on the blog Second Life Search in the Sidemenu. OR here's the rss-feed to add it to your own preferred RSS-reader. OR you go to : If you want YOUR feed to be in there, or know about feeds that SHOULD be in there, please let me know. Tags: sl , secondlife , second life , news , Secondlife search , Secondlife News , mysyndicaat

Just Did & To Do List : exciting times of a medical librarian

Just DID ... It has been very busy last weeks, socially as well as work related. I visited Prague for almost a week for the Inforum 2007 conference. After that I met the Rolling Stones in Goffert Park in Nijmegen (together with 50.0000 others). The next week I flew to Zagreb, Croatia to have a presentation at the Medical Information Conference Croatia 2007 (MICC). I jumped directly in to my car when back from the airport to drive to a weekend camping event together with our neighbours at the Papaver in Sellingen . An absolute must-do tip! We (The neighbours) organise a "special BBQ" every year, the Neighbourhood BBQ with a high Jamie Oliver level, fresh herbs, a lot of quality fish (from Kees at the Groningen Market), bio-meat, wonderful salades, dressings and side-dishes. And to complete this string of events I was invited to talk about my hobby ;-), Second Life and Libraries at the first session of the "Meet the Expert" series from the NVB WB/HB on June 19th in...

Teaching Web2.0 Literacy to Students and Staff

Peter Godwin uses the SCONUL Seven Pillars framework for Information Literacy in his excellent presentation The Web 2.0 Challenge to Information Literacy This made me even móre determined to start an information literacy program that included the specific use of Web2.0 tools by students and staff. It's completely in line wih my thought on how we should deal with the new challenges, the changing users en environments. "Let’s engage the Net generation where they are, so we are seen as relevant and part of their experience" He shows: A Library Instruction wiki! Cool! And he wants us to creat YouTube movies for Library Instruction too: Tags: web2.0 , library2.0 , godwin , information literacy , inforum2007

Libraries on the MUVE: HealthInfo Island to Provide Accessibility Resource Center in Second Life

On two posts on the Second Life Library project gives information on a very exciting new project connected to HealthInfo Island focussed on exhibits, programs, and awareness about accessibility and assistive technology and about virtual world accessibility to people with disabilities. Please excuse the partly reproduction of the post below. I think it is that important! Libraries on the MUVe : HealthInfo Island to Provide Accessibility Resource Center in Second Life. The Alliance Library System receives grant to provide resources on MUVEs and accessibility. Alliance Library System(ALS) and are pleased to announce new services to be offered on HealthInfo Island in the 3d virtual world of Second Life. Alliance received a grant from the National Library of Medicine Greater Midwest Region to build upon the consumer health outreach currently done on HealthInfo Island. HealthInfo Island is part of the Alliance Info Archipelago, a group of islands collabora...