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Just Did & To Do List : exciting times of a medical librarian

Just DID ... It has been very busy last weeks, socially as well as work related.
  • I visited Prague for almost a week for the Inforum 2007 conference.
  • After that I met the Rolling Stones in Goffert Park in Nijmegen (together with 50.0000 others).
  • The next week I flew to Zagreb, Croatia to have a presentation at the Medical Information Conference Croatia 2007 (MICC).
  • I jumped directly in to my car when back from the airport to drive to a weekend camping event together with our neighbours at the Papaver in Sellingen. An absolute must-do tip! We (The neighbours) organise a "special BBQ" every year, the Neighbourhood BBQ with a high Jamie Oliver level, fresh herbs, a lot of quality fish (from Kees at the Groningen Market), bio-meat, wonderful salades, dressings and side-dishes.
  • And to complete this string of events I was invited to talk about my hobby ;-), Second Life and Libraries at the first session of the "Meet the Expert" series from the NVB WB/HB on June 19th in Utrecht. The slides are available at my SLIDESHARE.NET page.
Still to Do List:
  • Post about The National Medical Library of the Czech Republik, their Medvik system and the creation of their Library Toolbar.
  • The Ikaros company and intensions to start a presence in Second Life for New Media Education
  • NeedleSearch, an absolutely marvelous Firefox add-on that offers an incredible tool for users to make their own search engine collection. It also helps me to enable even more licenced databases for our Library Toolbars.
  • Read presentations and comments on "Digitale Bibliotheek"
  • Post about Zagreb, People from Ovid and medical libraries in Eastern European Countries


Anonymous said…
Indrukwekkend lijstje, Guus. Om te benijden. :-)
Op mijn Todo lijstje: nog iets bloggen op jouw toolbar blog. Komend weekend: beloofd!
Groetjes uit Leuven! Jens

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