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Showing posts from December, 2007

"Good intentions" for 2008 : New Year Resolutions

For 2008 my good intensions will focus on the subjects mentioned below.. Although many of the efforts will go into making and developing new tools for users from the library, the most important issue in 2008 will be, without a doubt, "being in contact": maintaining, improving and expanding a conversation between our users and library staff. Expanding our range of Netvibes Widgets to other platforms. Offer Library Widgets as (re)search tools in various social networks, but also creating them inside our organisations intranet. Interoperability will be main target for our widgets. I have to find out how to how to build SharePoint widgets as well... Building the Netvibes Universe into a Library Toolbox for sharing, instructions and tailor-made search and alerts options. Integrating new communication tools in existing library services. We can not ignore cell phone technology and the massive growth of use amongst our users. Short text messages, and chat, but also Mobile... : the World's top blogs and health and medicine

Global Ranking of Top English-language Healthcare Blogs Current as of December 24, 2007 It's the time of (making) lists ... , and while I am working on my own list of good intentions for 2008- here is a nice list to read! It was a surprise to see my own blog on the honorable mention list.

Academic Libraries & Library 2.0

Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries Have a look at the wiki of the ACRL print publication Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries (2007) . This wiki presents updates on the case studies described in the book. RSS feed for updates to this wiki Atom feed for updates to this wiki Chapter 1 : Discovering Places to Serve Patrons in the Long Tail Chapter 2 : Chat, Commons, and Collaboration: Inadvertently Library 2.0 in Western Australia Chapter 3 : Yale: Taking the Library to Users in the Online University Environment Chapter 4 : Delivering Targeted Library Resources into a Blackboard Framework Chapter 5 : Adapting an Open Source, Scholarly Web 2.0 System for Findability in Library Collections Chapter 6 : Push and Pull of the OPAC Chapter 7 : UThink: Library Hosted Blogs for a University-Wide Community Chapter 8 : Discussing Student Engagement: An Information Literacy Course Blog Chapter 9 : Building Library 2.0 into Information Literacy: A Case Study Chapter 10 : ...

Horizon Report 2007 : NMC & Educause

While trying to clear some stuff from my desk, I found the Horizon 2007 Report again and remembered the main items: Time-to-Adoption: One Year or Less User-Created Content.... Social Networking Time-to-Adoption: Two to Three Years Mobile Phones Virtual Worlds Time-to-Adoption: Four to Five Years The New Scholarship and Emerging Forms of Publication Massively Multiplayer Educational Gaming The new 2008 Report will be published in Januari 2008 at the EDUCAUSE ELI Conference in San Antonio. Here's a glimps to the short-list items mentioned for the Two to Three Years adoption period Mobile Geotagging Socially-Centered Virtual Worlds Scholarly Mashups Want to see the items for One Year or Less? You have to look at the Horizon Project Wiki... And if I keep blogging about stuff I find on my desk I will never be abled to clean it ... Tags: horizon , mobile , social networking , nmc , educause , user-created content , learning , education , teaching

Virtual Social Worlds and the Future of Learning

"Dr. Tony O'Driscoll describes the 7 Sensibilities that Differentiate Virtual Social Worlds from other interactive media and makes the argument that these sensibilities provide us with unprecedented freedom to create true experential learning opportunities" the Sense of Self The Death of Distance The Power of Presence The Sense of Space The Capability to Co-Create The Pervasiveness of Practice The Enrichment of Experience Tags: learning , education , social worlds , virtual worlds , Muve

Social-networking habits of library users

The following report provides -according to the OCLC website - "insights into the values and social-networking habits of library users". With it's 280 pages it looks perfect reading stuff for Christmas. For me 2008 will be the year of the social networks. For Europe and the Netherlands it will become clearer how developments will go. Will one or two stick out? Will new ones arise? Will the interoperability with OpenSocial really take off? Will our Dutch Hyves change into a more serious network or ...? This report tells you how the situation is right now based on a survey (by Harris Interactive on behalf of OCLC) of the general public from six countriesā€”Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United Statesā€”and of library directors from the U.S. Tags: social networks , social , library , end-users , habits , user studies , OpenSocial

Library 2.0 event at Libraries of University of Groningen

Last Thursday, December 13th a special program around Library2.0 took place. Some 45 colleagues attended and participated in a work-session to know more about Web2.0 stuff. I am not sure if the link to the photo's is meant to be public. They published it on the Library Intranet site. If I get a green light, it will be up here asap. Here's the list of the speakers: Kees Westerkamp (introduction & chair) Gosse Bouma : about the Semantic Web Henk Ellermann ( a reaction on Gosse's talk and a short but clear opinion about the context & content) Alice Doek : on web 2.0 at the Library of University of Amsterdam (UvA) Guus van den Brekel : "Library2.0 is not a Tool, but a Setting" about Library2.0 and Tools for Users at the Central Medical Library of the UMCG Two YouTube movies were shown: A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto A Vision of Students Today '23 Things' This was mentioned several time and refers to the website " 23 Dingen '. '23 Dingen...

Floating Meebo Chatbox : stays available where ever you go!

This Meebo Chatbox is configured inside a Conduit Toolbar (OUR QUICKSEARCH CMB LIBRARY TOOLBAR) as a floating window. It stays available no matter where you go. You can even drag it to the side of your screen, whatever you want. It only disappears when you click the X. This way the user can -while chatting with a Librarian- follow his instructions directly and without having to switchs screens. Websites can be visited, settings adjusted, searches analysed, and you will have the chatbox visible all the time! Tags: meebo , conduit , library , toolbar , reference desk , helpdesk , chatbox , chat

Chatbox Libraries of the University of Groningen

The Libraries of the University of Groningen offer as trial a Chatbox on their webpage: Use of this chatbox is not limited from only this page, because a simple Cut-andPaste action can get you the Chatbox everywhere you want: even you own personal Netvibes startpage ... or add it as a floating window to your Toolbar paste it into a Nestor (Blackboard) page add to your MSN contacts list, and see immediately when the Librarian is online The big difference with just putting static links to the library-webpages all over is that, in the case of the meebo-chatbox, the reference librarian in charge can see immediately when a user opens a page with the chatbox. And in theory the librarian COULD actually pro-active START the chat..... Vraag het de Bibliothecaris ... Ask your Librarian! &lt...

New Search Second Life Tool Islab Second Life Search is a search tool powered by Second Life Official Search Interface, search information including All resources, Wiki, Groups, Peoples, Classifieds. It makes searching for information INSIDE SL even more easier, without having to login SL. Try it! All Wiki Groups People Classifieds Islab Second Life Search is a search tool powered by Second Life Official Search Interface. As from today also included in the Second Life Search Toolbar. Add It To Your Browser Today! Tags: secondlife , search , second life , islab

New Update on Dutch Research Report into Second Life : EPN

Just recently EPN published the promised update on their previous report into the use of Second Life. ( Dutch pdf ) The new report is called: "Residents in analyse : De feiten over Second Life na de hype" and is again written by David de Nood & Jelle Attema. For some reason they do not offer the pdf online, but ask you to request it via EPN, . I hope we can expect the english edition soon, freely available. Here's some Dutch info on the press release. Tags: epn , second life , sl , secondlife , report , study

CBS Second Life Show on how SL can help people with health challenges

A CBS reportes Tracy Smith dives into Second Life to research what it means to people with personal health challenges. This time she is talking to one person who had to retire after being hit by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), but got herself a new job as Wedding Planner in Second LIfe. Even more stunning is the story about a group of disabled adults with Cerebral Palsy, who have created new lives in the online virtual world called Second Life and build the avatar Wild Cunningham together. See the video here. Tags: secondlife , cbs , health , ms , sl , disabled , multiple sclerosis , wild cunningham