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Showing posts from February, 2008

Dreifaltigkeits Kapelle am Steinberg

Is the Holy Threefold a good translation for this Chapel? Walking in these mountains and coming across this unexpexted design was special. This post is pubished with my HTC Tynt II, including the pictures, straight from the ski slopes of Werfenweng in Austria. Mobile internet supplies me with uptodate news, mail and search options.

A clouded view sometimes discloses beauty

Free like bird above the world!

It must be a great feeling to throw yourself in the deep, knowing those pieces of cloth carry you. Pulling the strings is a lifesaving thing. The closest i have been to a medical information issue this week, was having a peak into an ambulance used to transport unlucky or plain stupid wintertourists ;-] They seem pretty well organised in Werfenweng .The radio tells there are already more then 5 deaths in Austria related to skiing....

Arrived safely in Werfenweng!

So far wonderful weather, good snow and good people. And somehow I had to think about Oliver...

NLM Toolbar, Widget & Blog

This week the new NLM Toolbar blog went live at: The NLM Toolbars project is created by Digicmb to improve the awareness about, to show and to promote the great resources of the largest medical library in the world, for the general public Ɣnd medical librarians. It is using the Conduit software. The toolbar can be downloaded for Firefox and IE. See the Toolbars Features and Help file Short demo movie By installing the NLM Toolbar a range of other toolbars become available to toggle between. They are "grouped" in the NLM Toolbar to save browser window space. ALL NLM Toolbars NLM Toolbar (all-in-one) DrugInfo (New)* PubMed* MedlinePlus* AidsInfo* DailyMed* HouseholdProducts* ClinicalTrials* PubMedCentral* (* = These Toolbars are not all finished yet, but will be within a few weeks.) For people who can not -or do not want this- there is a NLM Searchbox . This box, a Netvibes widget, can be added to your own Netvibes personal star...

PubMed Search widget : Add to other platforms

Offering widgets to users on a Netvibes Universe page is pretty cool, but Netvibes doesn't show up front that people can add them to many other platforms too. You have to click to the detailed widget-page in the page to see what's possible! Right now the UWA-modules can be added to: Netvibes, Mac, IPhone, Ipod Touch, Opera Vista, Windows Live and Yahoo widgets. They also promise to provide native social support for many social networks SOON as there are an OpenSocial Launch partner I was already thinking about how to offer the "Add To" option inside our own university webplatform, but a very good long talk with Delphine Khanna, from Penn Libraries cleared that up. She talked about & showed me their developments with PennVibes, including a widget that had this "Add To"-option embedded with a drop-down menu. I will talk more about my talk with Delphine later ;-). But at that point I decided that my UWA widgets HAD to had some kind ...

Polsslag en Wenckeback News Now as RSS

It is becoming fun to create my own RSS-feeds with Feed43. It takes some experimenting, but in the end the result looks fine with me. In my netvibes universe Tab "The Most Used" they look ok with me, but once included in a Toolbar, the urls seem to be malformed. If somebody can tell me why... I'd be pretty grateful. In this blog they show ok too. See them at: Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner

PubMedCentral RSS via Feedscraper Feed43

For use in one of my toolbar projects, I wanted to create an RSS-feed of the New Journals added to PubmedCentral, including volume indication Ć”nd free access start. Thanks to David Rothman's explanation of Feed43 This is how it looks now after a few tests. Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner   Subscribe in a reader It is wonderful to see what can be done to create rss-feeds from sources that do not offer it in this way. There is a PubMedCentral News feed, but, it was a good excercise to add the extra stuff Tags: feed43 , pubmedcentral , pubmed , free journals , rss , feeds , feedburner

Health Care Event, Saturday, Feb. 9 Slang Life Library

It's a virtual event, but not less real. Health Care Event Saturday, Feb. 9 Slang Life Library /SlangLife/60/214/25 A variety of interesting presentations and a concert by Sanity Inn are offered this Saturday by SL'ang Life magazine. Learn more about the extensive health care offerings in SL. The event runs from 9 am - 5:30 pm SLT. For European people GMT+1 : from 18.00 - 02.30 Presenters include: * Kat Klata- Multiple Sclerosis Help and Support * Simon Walsh- Wheelies * ChaCha Biedermann- AIDS and HIV Support * MB Chevalier- Sexual Health sim * Avalon Birke- Wellness Island * Amaya Summer- suicide prevention * Elspet Glasgow and Vladimir Burdeyna- Ann Myers Medical Center * Namro Orman- health blogging in SL * Perplexity Peccable and Skaidrite Norse- SLHealthy website * Pecos Kidd and Gentle Heron- Virtual Ability, Inc. * Carolina Keats- Consumer Health Library * Gentle Heron and Carolina Keats- HealthInfo Island * Namav Abramovic...

Virtual Conference about: "Virtual Worlds: Libraries, Education and Museums"

From the Conference website : Join us in Second Life on March 8 for a conference on virtual worlds and libraries, education and museums! The purpose of this conference is to provide a gathering place for librarians, information professionals, educators, museologists, and others to learn about and discuss the educational, informational, and cultural opportunities of virtual worlds. There will be a variety of presentations to attend including keynote programs by Kitty Pope, Executive Director of the Alliance Library System, Barbara Galik, Director of the Cullom-Davis Library at Bradley University, Doug McDavid from IBM, and Christy Confetti Higgins from Sun. For more information on and to register for the conference, visit the conference website at The conference is organized by Alliance Library System, TAP Information Services, IBM, and Sun. For more information on attending or presenting, contact Lori Bell at Alliance Library System ...

Introduction to Virtual World Librarianship

(Original post at ) Come find out what is it like to work as a librarian in the virtual world of Second Life (SL). What skills and knowledge are needed? What resources are available? This is a hands-on course that will introduce you to providing reference services and building collections and exhibits in Second Life, to planning programs and events, and to the skills needed for the 21st century librarian in a virtual world. Week One : Introduction to Course and Reference in SL Week Two : Collections, Resources, and Exhibits in SL Week Three : Management and Programs in SL Week Four : Skills for 21st Century Librarians in Virtual Worlds Instructors : S. Thompson (Hypatia Dejavu), Rhonda Trueman (Abbey Zenith), Lori Bell (Lorelei Junot) and JJ Jacobson (JJ Drinkwater) Audience : Open to anyone interested in learning more about libraries and other information resources and services in Second Life. Students should be able to navigate in Second Life. ...

EAHIL 2008 Helsinki Blog & News

The 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries will take place between 23rd - 28th of June 2008 in Helsinki. The conference theme is: "Towards a new information space - innovations and renovations". This year they also use a Conference Blog Helsinki Conference Website I just added the News feed of this Conference Blog in the News viewer of the EAHIL Toolbar .