This week the new NLM Toolbar blog went live at:
The NLM Toolbars project is created by Digicmb to improve the awareness about, to show and to promote the great resources of the largest medical library in the world, for the general public ánd medical librarians. It is using the Conduit software. The toolbar can be downloaded for Firefox and IE. By installing the NLM Toolbar a range of other toolbars become available to toggle between. They are "grouped" in the NLM Toolbar to save browser window space.
ALL NLM Toolbars
- NLM Toolbar (all-in-one)
- DrugInfo (New)*
- PubMed*
- MedlinePlus*
- AidsInfo*
- DailyMed*
- HouseholdProducts*
- ClinicalTrials*
- PubMedCentral*
The NLM searchbox has the search options: NLM Gateway (one-stop-search), NLM Website Search (with Vivisimo), MedlinePlus, Pubmed, ToxSeek (Meta-Search), Haz-Map, Free Books & Journals.
See more details of this widget at my collection of Netvibes medical widgets