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Showing posts from April, 2008

Second Life on Your Mobile!

Vollee has just released a video demonstrating its Second Life application running on an actual mobile phone. Check it out as a Resident explores, chats and interacts through out the Virtual World. The service will be made available for free to anyone with a 3G phone who signs up for the Beta trial by visiting . The open Beta is starting end of May and will be rolled out through the month of June. If you have a compatible phone you will be contacted at that time to get your free download of our Second Life client. The full list of supported phones will be on our site at time of launch, but keep in mind that we are constantly adding new phones. Should you have questions you can contact Tags: secondlife , sl , second life , mobile , phone , vollee

User centered design and the next generation OPAC - a perfect match? Libris at ELAG2008

One of the most special talks of ELAG2008 was the presentation about the new well designed portal by Libris. The looks are refreshingly clear, and the theories behind it sound logical to me. A very structured way of tackling the design of user-centered design. User centered design and the next generation OPAC - a perfect match? / Henrik Lindstrƶm , Martin Malmsten and Kristin Olofsson (Libris, Stockholm) Especially the talk by Martin Malmsten on iterative development will be a pleasure to watch again, as soon as the movies as public! I was surprised to see a great overview for users to implement the Libris search in their own sites with bookmarklets, searchboxes & plugins. As a sign of support I made them a Netvibes UWA widget on the fly during their presentations: Tags: libris , user-centered design , ucd , sweden , netvibes , searchbox

Semantic Web at ELAG2008

The Idea and impact of the Semantic Web still has still not sunk in convincingly at most of the ELAG 2008 participants, despite of some good talks. Especially Laura Hollink from the Vrije Universiteit had a detailed presentation. Semantic WEB opportunities / Laura Hollink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Be sure to read the accompanying article in pdf as it contains additional info. but also the final results by the Workshop 6: Semantic Web and library applications by Luit Gazendam and VƩronique MalaisƩ and Becoming a good Semantic Web Citizen - it's about availability by Martin Malmsten from Libris was interesting. Tags: elag2008 , elag , wageningen , semantic web , sw , semantic

Top Dermatology Journals RSS

For the Dermatology Department in the UMCG I have created long-ago a MyNCBI for an email alert of 5 of their top journals. - Arch Dermatol - Brit J Dermatol - Eur J Dermatol - J am Acad Dermatol - J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. Just as an example I made them a special TAB in the CMB Netvibes Universe with 5 seperate RSS-feeds, a search box and some bookmarks to their collection overview I now created this into an RSS-feed too via PubMed with Feedburner to be abled to display the feed anywhere I want, and in different formats like this wonderful "headline animator"from feedburner: ā†‘ Grab this Headline Animator Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner Tags: dermatology , netvibes , tab , universe , UMCG , MyNCBI , pubmed , rss , library

First International Virtual Association of Surgeons (iVAS) Meeting Today!

The first International Virtual Association of Surgeons (iVAS) meeting will be held on April 22nd 2008 at 11:00am PDT (+9 = 21.00 A'dam time) at the lecture theater on the Second Health campus (an SLurl is posted below). It is not restricted to surgeons, and all those interested in simulation, education and technology in healthcare are most welcome. The program is (PDT Time): 11:00 am Welcome and introduction to iVAS James Kinross and Julian Leong, Imperial College London, UK. 11.10 am Serious Story Development: Modeling Virtual Patients As Characters (Keynote): Professor LeRoy Heinrichs -Stanford University Medical Media and Information Technologies (SUMMIT), USA. 11.40 am Eye tracking in surgery, Mr. Marios Nicolaou, Plastic Surgery SPR, St. George's Hospital, UK. 12.00 pm Building a surgical robot Dr. Mitch Lum and Hawkeye King, BioRobotics laboratory University of Washington, USA. 1...

Wageningen Library Content Management System : ELAG2008

It was my first visit to ELAG, and am still surprised that I never bumped into one of those 31 previous meetings, or read reports about them before. After three days I can concluded that the Wageningen version was of good quality sessions through out all three days. I will describe the most interesting for me. The Wageningen Library Content Management System / Peter van Boheemen The Wageningen UR organisation and Library did show vision and the courage to act upon it in an early stage. I always liked their Wageningen Desktop Library and now they have build a complete Library Management System. Peter van Boheemen's presentation lists all the reasons why they did it and shows us how it is done. He states that it is wise for libraries to have their own IT & programming staff. Designing it this way they can act fast on new developments, avoid further vendor lock-in and keep in control themselves. Tags: ELAG2008 , Wageningen , Library , CMS , WUR

HVX Silverstar & Namro Orman covering SL &Libraries at ELAG2008

I just want to let you know that I had the pleasure and honour to meet HVX Silverstar in real life at the European Library Automation Group 32nd Conference , where she did a presentation about Second Life & Libraries ( /presentations/elag_bernadettef inal_april152008.ppt ) The session was completely streamed and recorded and will be published on the website soon. Furthermore Bernadette and I helped out the organization in doing a SL workshop, as the original moderator did not show up. The workshop was spread over the 3 days and covered in total about 4 hours. I also did a Lightning talk about "Closing The Gap": interoperability between Sl & The Web . You can see more details about the conference (delicious, hashtags, flickr, slideshares, twitterstream and more) at my Netvibes Universe Tab: #ELAG2008 Tags: elag2008 , secondlife , sl , hvx silverstar , namro orman , libraries

ELAG 2008 was very interesting!

It is too short ago yet to have a complete listing of all subjects I heard new and good things about, but you could already have a look at the netvibes tab that I have created for this event: You will find the Twitter history, via Hashtag (#elag2008), all flickr pictures tagged ELAG2008, slideshared presentations & links to the website & papers. Soon you will be abled to view and listen to all plenary and lightning talks! Tags: elag2008 , #elag2008

ELAG2008 started, but without wireless internet

They have a great building, wonderfully designed and a cool person tracking camera in the conference room, but no wireless access. I could not stop myself asking Wowter about that.... He condemmed the bloggers and twitters to the back with long yellow cables ;-) More pictures tagged with ELAG2008 Tags: elag2008 , wireless , forum , wageningen

Rethinking the library : ELAG 2008

" The Theme" Because of automation and digitization some library products have become less visible or even redundant. Libraries rethink what they mean to their organisation. Libraries see the potential of new developments and want to be a Library 2.0 compatible library. Libraries try to keep their users by developing new user oriented, personalized services, compensating for the fact that physical visitors are less common. The virtual library makes it possible for libraries to centralize their activities and still stay close to their users. Most of the time they still have a place that has potential as a physical place to study and read. Libraries organize new things to make users return to the physical library for ā€˜newā€™ reasons. Libraries become ā€˜publishersā€™, organizing and exposing institutional repositories. Libraries act as archivists of science. They not only archive officially published output, but also collect and provide direct access to pre publis...

Google Books : overview by P.F. Anderson

| View | Upload your own ā€œThe University of Michigan and Google, Inc. have entered into a ground-breaking partnership to digitize the entire print collection of the University Library. The digitized collection, called MBooks, is searchable in the library catalog, Mirlyn, as well as in the Google Book Search. Full-text of works that are out of copyright or in the public domain are available.ā€ MBooks - Michigan Digitization Project: Tags: google Books , university of michigan , mbooks , mirlyn , google book search , slideshare

The Ranking of Universities Shift : Scopus for Web of Science

The University of Groningen has been working hard to get into the Times Higher Education QS World University Rankings (currently 173) , but may have to review their activities and efforts because there has been a tool switch. They are using Scopus instead of Web of Science (Essential Science Indicators) now . Big problem is that the University of Groningen does not have access to Scopus. In the most recent evaluation of the two, Web of Science still came out as the best, and the decision was to not spend about 60.000 EUR per year for additional access to Scopus. And it looks like Scopus still misses important publications of the University, including 36.764 ciations over a period of 1998-2007. Ending the Web of Science licence is still not an option. I wonder when Universities are going to take matters into their own hands in this REP-race. You do not want to become even more dependent of commerical or political parties. To read more about : " The University of Groningen Ranking o...

Screencast &

Some experiments with screencast software & How to make an UWA widget: with or without a Conduit Toolbar 133 views Infoisland Netvibes Universe 104 views HealthInfo Island Tour March 2008 52 views HTML on Prim & build-in web browser in Second Life 103 views ...

Get Our Search & News Widgets : Library Toolbox via Netvibes Universe

As of today we made a start in implementing our Netvibes Universe of the library within our library website. A banner will be available on all pages, like the one on the sidebanner of this blog. We call the facility of offering Search & News widgets the "(Library) Toolbox" , and we plan to create a more elaborate overview of tools, tips & trics. Also an extra Netvibes button has been added to our Toolbars ( QuickSearch CMB & CMB Student ). The button offers a floating window with the banner and directs people to the Netvibes page.