" The Theme" Because of automation and digitization some library products have become less visible or even redundant. Libraries rethink what they mean to their organisation. | Libraries see the potential of new developments and want to be a Library 2.0 compatible library. | ||
Libraries try to keep their users by developing new user oriented, personalized services, compensating for the fact that physical visitors are less common. | The virtual library makes it possible for libraries to centralize their activities and still stay close to their users. Most of the time they still have a place that has potential as a physical place to study and read. Libraries organize new things to make users return to the physical library for ‘new’ reasons. | ||
Libraries become ‘publishers’, organizing and exposing institutional repositories. | Libraries act as archivists of science. They not only archive officially published output, but also collect and provide direct access to pre published materials, student reports and even complete data sets. | ||
Libraries play a role within the educational workflow creating course libraries within the E-learning environment. |