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Showing posts from July, 2008

No postings till August 4th; In the end life is about loss and love, nothing else.

A good friend died on holiday. What can I write?

Day 12 Holiday snapshot : Arrive! View from the tent, La Meije.

We arrived at Camping Le Gravelotte near La Grave and got ourselves a great spot with excellent view at the mountain and snow.

Day 11 Holiday snapshot: Almost in La Grave!

La France : halfway there

Try to arrive in a nice little town near a river at THE national holiday in France! People, music + Dance!

Day 9 Holiday Snapshot: Bij Jansen Groningen

Just had a great dinner at "Bij Jansen" in Groningen City. I thought about putting my feet on the table but choose the compromise ... Tomorrow morning early (around 06.00) we will leave for La Grave, France! from then on pictures straight from my smart phone HTC TYTNII to the web again. EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day Slides & fulltext: Tags: eahil2008 , eahil , Helsinki , Bij Jansen

Day 8 Holiday Snapshot: Water Lock Oostersluis

Cycling back and forth between city and home for last minute groceries.... EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day EMBASE dot com: strength and weaknesses; a comparison Dieuwke L. Brand-de Heer, Suzanne Bakker (The Netherlands) [ slides ] Dieuwke got the price for the best Oral presentation! Tags: eahil2008 , eahil , helsinki , embase ,

Day 7 Holiday Snapshot: Taking books from Public Library

Holiday target has changed into the French Alps, somewhere around La Grave and the National Park des Ecrin... Weather forecasts for Norway too unsecure. We will do that another time! So, up to the library for some books ... EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day Is there a mobile challenge for the libraries? - Mobile web 2.0 and the future of mobile access to content Lars Iselid (Sweden) [ slides ] There was a complete session about Mobile Applications, and all of them were good & interesting, but Lars always makes his presentations into a show instead of a talk. But according to him, that is due to the limited time given for his subject... We know better. Tags: eahil2008 , eahil , mobile , libraries

Day 6 Holiday Snapshot : FrontYard ;-p)

Another relaxing day at home, preparing and planning for upcoming trip to .... EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day FeedNavigator - a medical current awareness service Pasi Keski-Nisula (Finland) [ slides ] On of the absolute top products on RSS/News feeds in the medical field. They are creating wonderful stuff there at Terkko. Thats why libraries should have their own IT-staff WITH creative ideas! Please have a very serious look at their Scholar Chart , also based on RSS, combined with ISI data, giving an actual status of University of Helsinki output & impact factors of their authors. This deserves a special post, later! Tags: terkko , eahil2008 , eahil , feednavigator , scholar chart , rss , science , publishing , impact factor , isi

Day 5 Holiday Snapshot:: Backyard

Today relaxing in our own backyard ...... and thinking about the coming trip to ... Norway? EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day Job-sharing, flexible working and part-time librarianship: a new paradigm for the virtual age Vicky Grant, Alison Little (UK) [ slides ] True, I missed this session, but it must have been fun and interesting! Vic Grant & Alison Little stand out in the community of librarians, and not only because of their "lovely" Yorkshire accent. Please check the about the Three rules of their marketing strategy and wonder why they got all kind of yuppy gadgets for their students poll ;-)

Day 4 Holiday Snapshot: Nienoord

Got my physical excercise at "SwimCastle Nienoord" together with my children. While storches are flying over, I am doing my laps...., or lanes? EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day The role of the librarian as research collaborator Fiona Brown, Marshall Dozier (UK) [ slides ] See all papers & slides Tags: nienoord , eahil , eahil2008 , research , libraries

Day 3: Holiday Snapshot, Verhildersumj, Gr.

Today a great day in the kayak! EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day! Heather Todd University of Queensland Library, Australia Library spaces - new theatres of learning: a case study [ slides ] Amazing case study, with great pictures and great outcome. It helps when you add humour!

Space Up Your Library! The Social Net Works! EAHIL2008

Space up your library: social networks and libraries A.J.P. van den Brekel (Guus) (The Netherlands) [ slides ] Drawing the line further from where "Getting into the User Environment" stopped, this presentation invites everybody to look more deeply into the use of social networks (open or closed) by our users in general and focusses in particular on the development of library services inside various types of social networks.What are the benefits of making your medical library visible inside MySpace or Facebook? And how do online personal startpage applications like iGoogle, Netvibes or Pageflakes fit into this? The network (evolved by technology) is changing the users behaviour and that will affect the future of information services. With many thanks to Ana Ivkovic, Tags: eahil , eahil2008 , socialnetworks , socialnetworking , netvibes

Day 2: Holiday Snapshot, Molenrij, Gr.

Many thanks to Sabine+Friederike for this short weekend stay [with no kids] in Molerij, Gr! Eahil2008 Highlight of the Day: Anne Brice NHS National Knowledge Service, Oxford, UK Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford, UK Working with uncertainty: the role of DUETs in harvesting what we don't know Tags: #eahil2008 , eahil2008 , eahil , duets

Holiday Diary Snapshop with Highlight.

I will try and post a picture every day of me relaxing somewhere. With my feet up I will try and show the nice places we will be visiting. And, when I am inspired you will also get a " EAHIL2008 highlight of the Day!" Where? Cafe Frowijn in Nijmegen, The NETHERLANDS Why? Nicest Pub out there, big terrace, and run by my favourite"sister-in-law" ;-) EAHIL2008 Highlight of the Day! Leena Peltonen-Palotie Professor, Head of Human Genetics, Wellcome Trust, Sanger Institute, UK; Research director, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland FIMM, University of Helsinki and National Public Health Institute, Finland Opening Speech [ slides ] Tags: #eahil2008 , eahil2008 , Wellcome trust , Sanger , FIMM Post will be published via my : HTC TYTNII : published by and for participants is a channel for recorded sessions (or parts) of EAHIL2008 Conference ánd screencasts of the CEC Health2.0/Library2.0 : Power To The users (and Librarians) All presenters have approved publication in this way. PUBLIC NOW! The role of libraries in E-science. Christine Borgman. EAHIL2008 HealthFinland - Finnish Health Information on the Semantic Web. By Eero Hyvönen EAHIL2008 How to use Web 2.0 technologies in you library instructions . Dorine Kieft-Wondergem EAHIL2008 TO FOLLOW SOON!: Lotta Haglund Karolinska Institutet University Library, Sweden Implementing EBLIP to stimulate professional development [ slides ] Using your bite: a collaborative approach to evaluating improvement in information literacy skills using Web 2.0 technologies for dental and oral health students : a pilot study Nicola Foxlee, Pauline Ford (Australia) [ slides ] is the concentration of all possible web2.0 stuff going on during and after...

The EAHIL2008 Experience : it will last

The 11th Conference of the European Association of Health Information and Libraries was a big success. Over 450 people visited, the scientific programm was impressive. It was hard (almost impossible) to choose sessions that could be skipped, to explore the city and country more. For me it was an extremely intense, unforgettable conference, perfectly organised by our Finnish colleagues. Their openness and involvement was tremendous. Here are some links to get more info, if you can not wait for more posts. Because I will be writing a lot about the conference! Some really cool stuff has been shown and I want to share it. To get a almost overall view, have a look at the EAHIL2008 Netvibes Universe: The networking at EAHIL2008 was also massive this year. More on that later, but to show you what is out there to make networking even available AFTER the Conference .... Here are the tools to do it: For EAHIl we now have the following "to...