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Showing posts from September, 2008

Stepping into health in virtual worlds : Conference & Field Trips

Using virtual worlds to promote health and healthcare is the topic of the next installment of the popular "Stepping into Virtual Worlds" conference series, to be offered October 7th, 2008 in Second Life. Hundreds of people have attended this series, which began with "Stepping into History" in June and continued with "Stepping into Literature" in August. The series is sponsored by Alliance Library System and LearningTimes. The day-long conference is open to the public, with more information available at . It will take place entirely in the virtual world of Second Life. During this conference, participants will make virtual "field trips" to some of the best and most creative locations that are using virtual worlds to promote health. During these field trips, they will be able to speak with those responsible for creating the simulations, and have time to explore them on their own. Among the field trips for...

4th Grant from NLM for Consumer Health Outreach Programs in Second Life

AIDS Information and Outreach in the Virtual World of Second Life The Alliance Library System (ALS) is pleased to announce that the National Library of Medicine has awarded ALS a $60,000 grant for a project entitled "AIDS Information and Outreach in the Virtual World of Second Life." The project includes the creation of a new island with a community AIDS/HIV library/resource center. The resource center will provide information support and outreach to the Second Life community and beyond about AIDS/HIV and its prevention. The new island will also be home to a garden space where narratives about the AIDS/HIV experience can be shared through art, audio, video, poetry, essays, and more. The project runs from October 1, 2008 ā€“ March 31, 2010. This is the fourth grant awarded to ALS for the provision of consumer health information in Second Life, and will also fund a continuation of current efforts. The project coordinator will be Carol Perryman, known inworld as Carolina K...


A RESEARCH FOCUSED ON POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OF SECOND LIFE FOR THE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER GRONINGEN - ADVISORY INVESTIGATIVE REPORT by Sylvia Daskalova. Hanze University of Applied Sciences, School of Communication and Media,Major International Communication. March 2008 Supervisors UMCG: Pieter Davids and Guus van den Brekel. Supervisor Hanze University: Kelly Fonteijn. This graduation assignment has been written to fulfill the requirements of the Bachelor in Communication at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, the Netherlands. Main Aim The main aim of the research was to ascertain if Second Life can be used as recruitment tool for international PhDs, Master students and doctors. Additional aim was to provide general overview of other activities that UMCG can perform in Second Life, especially if the results from the research lead to negative advice regarding the possibilities for attracting more international PhDs, Master students and doctors. While the con...

Scientific Researchers and Web 2.0: Social 'NotWorking'?

British Library and Nature Publishing Group Event next Wednesday (Sept. 24) September 16th, 2008 by Troy The British Library and Nature Publishing Group are organizing a series of SL/RL events. The first one is next Wednesday, September 24, at 10:00am SL Time (PDT). is a series of events hosted by the British Library, providing opportunities to inform, engage, debate and network with scientists and all those who use scientific information. Wednesday 24 September 2008 Is Web2.0 all about attitudes or technologies? What can Web2.0 do for your research? As a scientist, are there good reasons for getting involved beyond social ā€˜not workingā€™? Web3.0: another buzzword or a semantic revolution for science on the web? For more details, see Joanna Scottā€™s blog . (taken from the Infoisland website) Tags: nature , British Library , Secondlife , sl , virtual worlds , social networks , second life library , library , als , web2.0 , research

Announcing..... Health EduIsland!

To the immediate south of Healthinfo Island, please note a new green space, currently furnished only by the sign you see above. Intended as a gathering space for the health community, we will be making the auditorium (which is to be the centerpiece of the island) available to all health groups through a calendaring system. We're excited to be able to host the upcoming Stepping into Health conference here, as well as the next World AIDS Day, and have offered space to the new Healthcare Education group for meetings and displays. Contact Carolina Keats for further information Tags: healthInfoisland , healthEduIsland , education , medical , health , nlm , als

WolterKluwer Health takes over UpToDate!

"Conshohocken, Pa (September 4, 2008) - Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading provider of information and business intelligence for students, professionals and institutions in medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry, today announced it intends to acquire UpToDate, the leading evidence-based electronic clinical information resource. This acquisition will strengthen Wolters Kluwer Health's portfolio in the growing point of care and electronic medical record markets by expanding its product and services offerings. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed . Key facts: UpToDate is expected to generate annualized projected revenue of $80 million in 2008. UpToDate has demonstrated consistent double-digit organic revenue growth over the last four years. UpToDate has approximately 250 employees and is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts with international sales offices in the Netherlands and Japan. UpToDate will be part of Wolters Kluwer Health ...

eLearning 2.0 Conference : live streaming also in Second Life

On Friday Sept 5, the Second House of Sweden will be live-streaming the eLearning 2.0 Conference from Stockholm. Sessions start at 9am and will finish around 6pm, Stockholm time (midnight to 9am, SL time). Find out how Second Life is being used to create new, innovating learning experiences. eLearning 2.0 is being organized by the Swedish Association for Information Specialists (SFIS) and will be conducted in English. See you there! Teleport link to the conference venue: swedish%20institute/70/212/30 Read more: Besƶk vid: http:// biblioteksmedarbetareisecondli

Power To The User (and The Librarians) : TICER08 workshop

Maybe it was the psychological threshold of writing the 451-st post on this blog, maybe it was just the fantastic week with a great programm, and even nicer people. Fact is I got some questions why I stopped blogging after the starting Conference Dinner of TICER last week ;-)(See the post below) I did try to Twitter some lines, but mainly I felt alone in the room. The Ticer audience of this year was not into (micro)blogging heavily, apart from some Dutch die-hards. Being drowned and consumed in real life work in the Medical Library (where the new academic year just started), it might take some time to highlight all strongpoints of this years TICER. Here is our Slideshare about the Workshop we did in the Module 3a: Hands-on: Library 2.0 Main assignment was to create the TICER08 Public Page (aka Universe): - Building the TICER08 Public page with: ALL possible information available on the web about TICER08, created by the organisation, by the participants of the conference or by...