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Showing posts from June, 2010

Emerging Technologies in Libraries : CEC EAHIl2010

Here are the slides to show what is in my Continuing Education Course " Emerging Technologies in Librariesā€. The course itself is shaped inside a Netvibes Public Page, called We will keep this up to date, with your help! Send your Delicious Emerging tech Links to : FOR: EAHIL Want to share a good site or leave a comment? Just email me. ā€œ The Web is the Ultimate Continuing Education Courseā€ Emerging Technologies In Libraries : CEC Course View more presentations from Guus van den Brekel .

Empowerment Web 2.0 & Tools for Librarians (and users)

Here are the slides from my Empowerment session at EAHIL2010.   The text of the presentations will be added soon. I forgot to mention only a few things:  -   -   or  Listio Web 2.0    Search for the web 2.0 Tool you need Empowerment Web 2.0 for Librarians (and users) View more presentations from Guus van den Brekel .

Web 2.0 : the empowerment of the Librarian (and the User) | Empowerment Session @ EAHIL2010

Friday , 18th June 12.15-13.15 Empowerment Session Chair: NoĆ©mia Canas Theme:   Web 2. 0 : the empowerment of the Librarian (and the User) Lecturer:  Guus Van den Brekel  See the complete progamme Auditorium Affiliation: Central Medical Library , University Medical Center Groningen , The Netherlands Presenting author:  Guus van den Brekel Web 2.0 : the empowerment of the Librarian (and the User) An empowerment session called "Web 2.0" promises to look into Web 2.0 possibilities in relation to librarianship. Of course best practices, opportunities and limitations are a good part of this session, as well as a look at the excisting tools involving EAHIL .  But should we use this term Web 2.0 any longer? The students and the younger staff members are brought up with Web Technologies. They don't see Web 2.0 as a seperate phenomenon, but as intergrated features. They use them, just because they are there.  What role can / should the library pl...

Science, Open Access, Science2.0

It's in French, but you must take the effort to browse through it. It's very much worth the effort! Open Science, Open Access, Science2.0 : de nouvelles modalitĆ©s pour la communication scientifique View more presentations from Julien Sicot .  Stage URFIST de Rennes, 1er juin 2010 Related articles by Zemanta How Science 2.0 and Open Access Really Work ( Research disclosure in social media ( DigiCMB: Virtual Research Networks : Towards Research 2.0 (

Summon & PubMed : an update

" In a recent demo of Summon at the University of Groningen Library we tested some medical search terms, users would likely to be entering when they are discovering what a tool that promises "One Search Box, Your library discovered" or "One search engine, one search, no stress" The rather stupid search " heart attack " (but is to be expected by starting new med students expecting a google-like framework and no serious search experience for scientific information) does give you really terrible results, especially when you forget to choose to: Limit to articles from scholarly publications, including peer-review or Exclude Newspaper Articles (thank you Wichor Bramer for the search tip, and @Dympie  about Scopus still using "heart attack" as example search) Bad results from the perspective of the medical librarian in a academic setting who expects students and staff to turn up with Pubmed records. Having seen a Ebsco Discovery Servi...