Friday , 18th June 12.15-13.15 | Empowerment Session Chair: Noémia Canas Theme: Web 2.0: the empowerment of the Librarian (and the User) Lecturer: Guus Van den Brekel See the complete progamme |
Affiliation: Central Medical Library, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
Presenting author: Guus van den Brekel
Web 2.0 : the empowerment of the Librarian (and the User)
An empowerment session called "Web 2.0" promises to look into Web 2.0 possibilities in relation to librarianship. Of course best practices, opportunities and limitations are a good part of this session, as well as a look at the excisting tools involving EAHIL.
But should we use this term Web 2.0 any longer? The students and the younger staff members are brought up with Web Technologies. They don't see Web 2.0 as a seperate phenomenon, but as intergrated features. They use them, just because they are there. What role can / should the library play inside an organisation regarding availability of and access to web technologies?
But should we use this term Web 2.0 any longer? The students and the younger staff members are brought up with Web Technologies. They don't see Web 2.0 as a seperate phenomenon, but as intergrated features. They use them, just because they are there. What role can / should the library play inside an organisation regarding availability of and access to web technologies?
The session will be finished off with a glance at emerging technologies and the possible relevance for libraries.