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Showing posts from September, 2010

Science 2.0: trends, tools and tips (New workshop by @digicmb)

In September I will start a new course at the Central Medical Library called "Science 2.0 : Trends, tools and tips"   The intro to the course is:  Science is changing. Science 2.0 influences the personal & workflow of researchers, clinicians and students.  This workshop introduces new web-technologies and trends in communication, collaboration, searching, managing & sharing of information.  Practical tips to improve your efficiency in work and/or study .  The focus will be on: searching and keeping up to date managing your workflow creating new stuff communication and  sharing social networks for scientists

MedlinePlus Toolbar

The MedlinePLus Toolbar is the next toolbar in the range of the 9 NLM Toolbars currently available that is as good as finished. I think it's ready to go "beta" and see if people like it. MedlinePLus Toolbar can be added to your browser as a whole, or in parts, as an app.  New app: the Search cloud in Chrome as extension. Try it from:  or To follow: the search widget as Chrome extension Get the MedlinePLus widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! Not seeing a widget? ( More info )

Emerging Technology in Medical and Health Information. MedLib's Round September 2010

The theme of this Round is: Emerging Technology in Medical and Health Information . Due to a very low amount of submissions I feel obliged to write some post around the theme and the few submitted contributions. I asked the colleagues specifically out there to post on the theme ánd comment on my Continuing Education Course (CEC) at EAHIl 2010 that was totally focussed on this theme, and help me that way keeping this public course up to date at : . The course touched emerging technology issues relevant for academic and medical libraries & librarians. Is it the holidays? Do they not read my blog at all? :-) Is it too far from everybodies daily work? Too vague or abstract? I have been alerting for submissions on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin, but maybe it is just bad timing. You'll get a second chance ... (read the end of the post now) For me this year, and a part of 2009 has been focussed on this topic, but not...

PubMed Toolbar Usage

Here are some recent stats about the usage of the PubMed Toolbar  (875 downloads) in order of popularity: Search (direct search in all PubMed search tool): 44.16% Main Menu: 22.01% Messages: 4.26% News: 4.26% Other: 4.23% Using PubMed: 4.07% "Alt PubMeds": 4.02% The number of daily users is still rising slowly. At the end of August 123 users at trhe same time was the higest use so far. This means 123 users had this PubMed Toolbar open in their browser and actually used it! Don't want to use this Toolbar? Try The PubMed search widget:   1,961 installs Or the MedlinePlus search Widget, 2,819 installs Or The NLM Search Solutions Widget, 127 installs All these widgets can be added to YOUR favourite platform. Read the following Post to do MORE with your Toolbars: 37 ways To Adjust Your NLM Toolbar (or any Conduit Toolbar) Try also the NLM Toolbar! (This post is also published on the Blog about All NLM Toolbars )

PubMed Linkout collection of Dutch Universities

Here's is a quick overview of Dutch Universities and their Linkout Collections in Pubmed: With activated Linkout with XML: ERASMUS[SB ]  RUG /CMB UMCG[SB ]  Wageningen Maastricht[SB ] Leiden Not (yet) activated Linkout via XML: Utrecht

PubMed Updates : Linkout & Filters & New records

The Central Medical Library offers a link-resolver ( Outside Tool )in Pubmed (called RUGLInks ), as well as a filter option (Linkout), to easily discover what content exactly is full-text available to our patrons. This is integrated and available in two ways: by direct link to PubMed with MYNCBI-share : (This activates an clickable ICON (linkresolver) visible at any record viewed in detail, and it shows (in a clickable selection -filter-) what part of the search results is avaliable in full-text based on the library's licencing policy. via MyNCBI Preferences ,   via  filtering   search results,  and setting   LinkOut   and   outside tool   preferences. (Patrons can activate their preferred Outside tool, as well as set a filter to show  what part of the search results is avaliable in full-text based on the library's licencing policy.) While worki...