The Central Medical Library offers a link-resolver (Outside Tool)in Pubmed (called RUGLInks), as well as a filter option (Linkout), to easily discover what content exactly is full-text available to our patrons.
This is integrated and available in two ways:
Currently that is: 9.543.669.
The command to look that up is: loprovinlugrmlib[SB]
Show all Pubmed Records (today Sept. 1st 2010),:
I just got confirmation from Linkout office that the new file has been processed and that the updates described in the file should appear in PubMed or related Entrez databases in 48 hours. So I will repeat that search after 48 hours and see if there is any change...
In previous years it was a bit of a nuisance to create that file, as the output Ex-Libris/SFX supplied out of our SFX-database was not abled to merge our Embargo or multiple holdings into the desired "One line per ISSN".
So we had to "manually" correct that. But now after some updates and a bug-fix, it seems the output file that was delivered to me by Andre Keyzer of the University of Groningen Library .
Soon more on the updates and on how to create/activate that XML file. Or on the question if it is useful to be abled to see constantly what has been added or changed status in Pubmed via an rss feed?
This is integrated and available in two ways:
- by direct link to PubMed with MYNCBI-share:
(This activates an clickable ICON (linkresolver) visible at any record viewed in detail, and it shows (in a clickable selection -filter-) what part of the search results is avaliable in full-text based on the library's licencing policy. - via MyNCBI Preferences, via filtering search results, and setting LinkOut and outside tool preferences.
(Patrons can activate their preferred Outside tool, as well as set a filter to show what part of the search results is avaliable in full-text based on the library's licencing policy.)
Currently that is: 9.543.669.
The command to look that up is: loprovinlugrmlib[SB]
Show all Pubmed Records (today Sept. 1st 2010),:
- All (20139180)
(This uses the following command: publisher[sb] OR in process[sb] OR medline[sb] OR pubstatusnihms[All Fields] OR pubstatuspmcsd[All Fields] OR pmcbook[All Fields] OR pubmednotmedline[sb] OR oldmedline[sb] )
- Libraries (19.893.694) (this setting is now removed again from the settings You will not see it anymore)
Observation: All libraries seem to got almost content of PubMed fulltext online available
- RUGLinks Fulltext (9.543.669)
Observation: This is 47% of PubMed's total
- Free Full Text (2.978.570)
Observation: This is 15% over PubMed's total.
If we merge the RUGLinks Fulltext plus the Free Fulltext however, we reach the 50%, which indicates that only 3% of the Free Fulltext is NOT currently in our RUGLinks collection. We (me and Sjouke van der Werf ) assume this 3% will probably be generated from the most recently Open Access titles or very old titles just being added. - As a test we created a new custom filter that merges RUGLinks AND FreeFulltext to offer to our customers (command: "loprovinlugrmlib"[Filter] OR free full text [sb] ) RUGLinks+Free FULLTEXT (10020830)
I just got confirmation from Linkout office that the new file has been processed and that the updates described in the file should appear in PubMed or related Entrez databases in 48 hours. So I will repeat that search after 48 hours and see if there is any change...
In previous years it was a bit of a nuisance to create that file, as the output Ex-Libris/SFX supplied out of our SFX-database was not abled to merge our Embargo or multiple holdings into the desired "One line per ISSN".
So we had to "manually" correct that. But now after some updates and a bug-fix, it seems the output file that was delivered to me by Andre Keyzer of the University of Groningen Library .
Soon more on the updates and on how to create/activate that XML file. Or on the question if it is useful to be abled to see constantly what has been added or changed status in Pubmed via an rss feed?