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Showing posts from September, 2011

OpenAccess Week : activities & tools?

We are thinking of doing something for OpenAccess Week 2011 ... making Open Acces publications more visible via our new blog atUMCG Adding OA listing in our Top 25% Journal Lists (JCR Categories) Putting together an Open Access News Aggregator with info around doing research and publishing. And, because it takes me just a few minutes to make one ... an OpenAccess Toolbar ;-) If you could have an Openaccess Toolbar, a tailor-made widget or browser extension, a Wibar or even a mobile version,  WHAT would to definitely like to have in it? Please let me know and I will add the content. Some examples, (but it's really unlimited: If it's on the web, I can get it in there!) -Direct search in OAISTER, DOAJ, OPENDOAR, PLoS, Springer Open , .... - See Twitter News from important OpenAccess Tweeps and Tworgs - See the Facebook updates - Updates from prominent OA Blogger - Updates from OA Publishers - .... QuickLinks to .. you name it , movies, pictures, ...


The University Medical Center Groningen is Supporter Member of BioMed Central , and therefore also of SpringerOpen and Chemistry Central. In my previous post about " Searching Open Access Publications : identify you affiliation output " I listed the most common platforms and publishers of Open Access where we suspected our staff to publish their articles. I missed this SpringerOpen and only looked at the Springer Open Choice program . All articles SpringerOpen by UMCG Springer Open Search articles:     YES, Search Affiliation: YES (But this does not work, try groningen in Author Affiliation in Advanced search and you get NO hits) Advanced search/limits: YES Save / Download records: YES (export to the main reference management tools) Save (search) as RSS: YES (MyBioMedCentral user works also for SpringerOpen) To my surprise there is newer material in the SpringerOpen overview. Unfortunately also with some articles NOT directly fro...

Searching Open Access Publications : identify you affiliation output

In order to increase the visibility of open access scientific and scholarly publications of the University Medical Center Groningen and thereby promoting their increased usage and impact, I am trying to create an automatically updating overview of OA publications of the UMCG, next to the beta WordPress blog that is being constructed to show all UMCG scientific publications With the masive attention the Open Access "movement" in international publising and media, I expected to this to be an easy task. But very quickly after trying to identify the resources to find these publications, it became clear that there are some serious difficulties. I won't go into details about the effects of publicing in OA or the impact factors of OA Journals , just making them visible. Many resources and overviews focus heaviliy on journal titels and sets, instead of the actual publications. Search opties are often limited, poor and it is not always possible to search for the publicat...