We are thinking of doing something for OpenAccess Week 2011 ... making Open Acces publications more visible via our new blog atUMCG Adding OA listing in our Top 25% Journal Lists (JCR Categories) Putting together an Open Access News Aggregator with info around doing research and publishing. And, because it takes me just a few minutes to make one ... an OpenAccess Toolbar ;-) If you could have an Openaccess Toolbar, a tailor-made widget or browser extension, a Wibar or even a mobile version, WHAT would to definitely like to have in it? Please let me know and I will add the content. Some examples, (but it's really unlimited: If it's on the web, I can get it in there!) -Direct search in OAISTER, DOAJ, OPENDOAR, PLoS, Springer Open , .... - See Twitter News from important OpenAccess Tweeps and Tworgs - See the Facebook updates - Updates from prominent OA Blogger - Updates from OA Publishers - .... QuickLinks to .. you name it , movies, pictures, ...
The Web, Research, Virtual and Social Networks in Health & Medicine .... The Infectious Library