The University Medical Center Groningen is Supporter Member of BioMed Central, and therefore also of SpringerOpen and Chemistry Central.
In my previous post about "Searching Open Access Publications : identify you affiliation output" I listed the most common platforms and publishers of Open Access where we suspected our staff to publish their articles.
I missed this SpringerOpen and only looked at the Springer Open Choice program.
All articles SpringerOpen by UMCG
Search articles: YES,
Search Affiliation: YES (But this does not work, try groningen in Author Affiliation in Advanced search and you get NO hits)
Advanced search/limits: YES
Save / Download records: YES (export to the main reference management tools)
Save (search) as RSS: YES (MyBioMedCentral user works also for SpringerOpen)
To my surprise there is newer material in the SpringerOpen overview. Unfortunately also with some articles NOT directly from the UMCG, but I would go for this feed, and filter out the wrong ones in the syndicated posts on atUMCG blog