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Showing posts from October, 2011

Open Access Newsletter of the University of Groningen Library

Open Access Newsletter (in Dutch, sorry) of the University of Groningen Library, The Netherlands. A new initiative to publish this newsletter 3 times in a year. The first one is focussed on Open Access Week 2011 Use the following link to read the content via Google Translate: The digital version in pdf is containing just the headlines, click the links to get the online content! Related Links: atUMCG : see all new publications of the University Medical Center Groningen. Contains a selection on Open Access Publications, plus the Top 25% Lists of relevant JCR Categories with Open Access indications. Searching Open Access Publications : identify you affiliation output OpenAccess Toolbar & Mobile (web) App Trial OpenAccess Week : activities & tools?

Google Me : Feedflare to search authors in Google

A small thing, but nice! Today i added a Feedflare unit to the feeds of the atUMCG , our blog that is publishing all the NEW scientific publications of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)  Every post now has extra features added like sharing or bookmarking, but also a button called "GOOGLE ME" When clicked it will search for the authors and their publications in Google , with rather nice results I must say. If you click the Google M e button for the article called " A tool for the morphological analysis of mixtures of lipids and water in computer simulations. " Posted on   October 20, 2011   by   Fuhrmans M, Marrink SJ You would get the following results Clearly those are helpful hits in finding more information on the publications from these authors! " FeedFlare allows publishers to easily build ā€œinteractivityā€ into the conten...

OpenAccess Toolbar & Mobile (web) App Trial

Here is a short demo video about the OpenAccess Toolbar Ć”nd the Mobile (web) App . The video is created in one take via straight from my laptop browser window. It still can be useful to have some info very close at hand. Of course it depends on how often you need info about OpenAccess, but with this browser Toolbar, you will have the latest news on OpenAccess right in your browser. A second strong feature of the Toolbar is the DIRECT SEARCH in major OpenAccess Resources, like the new CORE fulltext search engine , OAIster , DOAJ , PLoS , SpringerOpen (incl BioMedCentral) OpenAccess Toolbar download: Can't or won't install a Toolbar? Try this page with all DIRECT SEARCH from the OpenAccess Toolbar:  or Try this Mobile (web) App with all news resources about OpenAccess in it. (This is a 14-days free trial. Without any input or support this will not ...

The Unofficial Guide for Authors (free & OpenAccess publication)

The Unofficial Guide for Authors by Tomislav Hengl , Michael Gould, Wouter Gerritsma Ebook, , PDF Price: FREE direct download Most scientific journals provide guidelines for authors - how to format references and prepare artwork, how many copies of the paper to submit and to which address. However, most official guidelines say little about how you should design and produce your paper and the chances that it will be accepted. This book provides a comprehensive but focused guide to producing scientific information - from research design to publication. It provides practical tips and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions: Why do we publish in the first place? What is OA publishing and why bother about it? What is the h-index? What is a Journal Impact Factor and does it matter? How can I increase my research production efficiency? Why should I use OS software tools for academic work? How can I produce graphics that will impress? How can I brains...

RefGrab-it Bookmarklet for iPad / iPhone?

RefGrab-It works with your browser to capture bibliographic information from web pages giving you the option to import that data into your RefWorks account. Read about how to add the RefGrab-it bookmarklet to your IE or FF browser here . It appears that this RefGrab-it bookmarklets does not work fully on Safari browsers on iPad/iPhone. It grabs the reference, but when trying to import ..... Nothing happens!! so, just for the excercise .... Bookmarklets can be very useful. To install these in "normal" browsers is rather simple. They appear as a Boommark in your Bookmark bar and can be activated by single click when needed. On the iPad it is a bit more complicated, but not difficult. Here the description on how to install the RefGrab-it bookmarklet in the iPad browser. Step 0: Open this post on your ipad .... Step 1: Use "Add Bookmark" (it does not matter from what page) to create a bookmark and .. Step 2: Call it : RefGrab-IT and click"SAVE...

German Medical Library Association Annual Conference (AGMB 2011)

I attended the annual AGMB Conference 19th-21st September 2011 in Cologne. This German Medical Library Association was founded in 1970 and celebrated last year it's 40th Anniversary in Mainz . With about 180 registered people for this conference, I can imagine it is one of the biggest meetings of medical librarians in Europe. I wonder if there is any other country with a simular organisation in Europe? Maybe it is good to say that this is not only for German medical librarians, but also for the German-speaking countries like Austria & the Swiss. My presentation was about Mobile Technology & Semantic Web in Medicine and Health Information. Mobile Computing and Semantic Web for Medicine and Health Information View more presentations from Guus van den Brekel The programm was certainly interesting and I want to list just a few presentations: On Performance-based allocation of funds : Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe - ein Thema fĆ¼r Bibliotheken? ( Folien...


View DIGICMB : talks, demo's, workshops in a larger map See My Google Map Mobile Computing & Semantic Web fuer Medizin und die Informationsversorgungm AGMB2011, Cologne, 19.-21.09.2011 Web technologies for libraries 2x4 hour Workshops Transfer of Knowledge IX Petrozavodsk, June 27-29, 2011 " The Web, The User and the Library : and why we need to be in between" ICLAM2011, New Delhi, India Web 2.0 & Libraries: Empowerment Session @EAHIL2010 Virtual research networks: towards Research 2.0 EMTACL10 Do Libraries Meet Research 2.0 : collaborative tools and relevance for Research Libraries. LIBER2009 Libraries & Web 2.0 : Studiemiddag TU Eindhoven Libraries meet Research2.0 (Nordlib2.0) More ...