I attended the annual AGMB Conference 19th-21st September 2011 in Cologne.
This German Medical Library Association was founded in 1970 and celebrated last year it's 40th Anniversary in Mainz.
With about 180 registered people for this conference, I can imagine it is one of the biggest meetings of medical librarians in Europe. I wonder if there is any other country with a simular organisation in Europe? Maybe it is good to say that this is not only for German medical librarians, but also for the German-speaking countries like Austria & the Swiss.
My presentation was about Mobile Technology & Semantic Web in Medicine and Health Information.
Mobile Computing and Semantic Web for Medicine and Health Information
View more presentations from Guus van den Brekel
The programm was certainly interesting and I want to list just a few presentations:
- On Performance-based allocation of funds: Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe - ein Thema für Bibliotheken? ( Folien 1 (Schmiel), Folien 2 (Semmler-Schmetz)
- On Innovation Management:
Systematisches Innovationsmanagement [ Abstract ], [ Folien ]
Prof. Ursula Georgy, Fachhochschule Köln - On Innovation Management:
Innovationsmanagement am Beispiel der ETH-Bibliothek [ Abstract ], [ Folien ] Dr. Roland Mumenthaler, ETH-Bibliothek Zürich - On Library Evaluation/Assessment:
Hilfe - meine Bibliothek wird evaluiert! Wie bereite ich mich optimal vor? [ Abstract ], [ Folien ] Ulrich Korwitz, Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin, Köln
- On E-Books:
E-Books an Medizinbibliotheken - "Gekommen um zu bleiben": Erfahrungsbericht der Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien [ Abstract ], [ Folien ]
Bruno Bauer, Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Hochschule Wien