In one of my previous posts on Updates on (medical) journal Apps i did mention there was no news about Docphin . And very quickly after that they came with a major update! Here are the main new features of Docphin: the IOS App is now ALSO for IPAD , which is a big step forward. This makes Docphin more competitive with ReadbyQxMD and docwise . The Docphin web-interface is however still unique, offering users to check and maintain their preferred journals & news on desktop computers easily. Maybe ReadbyQxMD is goind that way too with their Read on the Web, search feature. Institutional Access - Save your password and never type it in again This is a major improvement too taking away loging in over and over again. ReadbyQxMD , BrowZine and Docphin now have this for the library proxy and I am hoping docwise will go there soon too! Medstream - Keep up with breaking research in the news Get visually triggered by relevant topics and rel...
The Web, Research, Virtual and Social Networks in Health & Medicine .... The Infectious Library