And very quickly after that they came with a major update!
Here are the main new features of Docphin:
- the IOS App is now ALSO for IPAD, which is a big step forward. This makes Docphin more competitive with ReadbyQxMD and docwise. The Docphin web-interface is however still unique, offering users to check and maintain their preferred journals & news on desktop computers easily.
Maybe ReadbyQxMD is goind that way too with their Read on the Web, search feature. - Institutional Access - Save your password and never type it in again
This is a major improvement too taking away loging in over and over again. ReadbyQxMD, BrowZine and Docphin now have this for the library proxy and I am hoping docwise will go there soon too! - Medstream - Keep up with breaking research in the news
Get visually triggered by relevant topics and related articles underneath. I like it. Here is what Sachin Nanavati (Co-founder Docphin) wrote to me in an email about Medstream:
- "We've spent significant time developing the technology behind Medstream, which curates trending articles in both main stream new sources and evidenced-based medical journals. The technology then couples related articles, thus providing users with comprehensive coverage of the most relevant and discussed healthcare topics of the day. In doing so, our goal is to create a relevant, evidenced-based stream of content that healthcare professionals can reference each to help them treat their patients everyday. As you can see, we've also enhanced many of the other features on Docphin including an Search and the Alerts tabs. We'll continue to make enhancements to each of these features in bi-monthly updates to the apps."
- Search - Filter by journal, author, specialty, or type of studyI still want to now details about search syntax, it's a mystery for me. Also I think they should add a Save Search Options, or al least an option to Save As Alert. Anoying is the Search can not be run via the screen keyboard. You have to close it and press Search.
- Alerts - Get updates on your favorite topics
Same issue as with the Search syntax here. I want to understand what it is search for and how I can get what i want... - Library - Save your
articles and we'll sync them to all your device
Nice to be abled to read offline, simply hit the star * to save it. You would expect to get the latest saved articles on top, but they are on the bottowm of the list unfortunately..
All in all, Docphin makes a big step forward and seems to be working on nice clever features for the future. Having it now on my iPad I will use it more and together with the Saved Institutional Access, it will be smooth to get the pdf's.