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Digesting (Part 2): Internet Librarian 2006, Podcast, research workbench, Aquabrowser, DynaMed

Internet Librarian International 2006Information Today invites proposals for presentations at Internet Librarian International 2006, to be held at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London, UK, 16-17 October 2006. The emphasis is on the practical rather than theoretical, and on case studies and proposals about initiatives in your library, not product pitches or overviews. From: Karen Blakeman Podcasts in Libraries: overview Applied Surface Science: Blog-based research notebook: Personal informatics workbench for high-throughput experimentation Very interesting article... Blog-based research notebook: Personal informatics workbench for high-throughput experimentation f/t via Science Direct (sub req'd) doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.03.235. From: Christina's Lis Rant How about the Aquabrowser implementations at Libraries? Testing DynaMed The medical library Homburg/Saar is testing DynaMed (comparable with UpToDate?). From: MEDINFO Weblog I still did not finish reading all my feeds, having to catch up after hospitalization, so more digests to follow ...


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