You could ask why on earth do you want that....
Well, simply to insert the feed into a feed reader or make all posts/updates available in an "aggregator" like
With Rebelmouse you can create your own social media Frontpage (and blog) based on various social media accounts, searches AND RSS feeds. (More on Rebelmouse and the power of curation )
Say I want to add Facebook posts ánd images from the page Inuit Art Zone into a Rebelmouse I made about Inuit Art. Rebelmouse offers to add My Pages via my facbook account, but other pages can only be entered via RSS.
You only need TWO things :
- the base url string for the RSS feed:
- the Facebook ID of the page:
For Inuit Art Zone the RSS feed would be:
See the result at Inuit Art's Rebelmouse Social Media Frontpage.